The eggs song or alarm?


Jan 12, 2021
New Bern , NC
My Instagram has a video of my two buff Orpington making a sound.
Is it an egg or alarm song?
If it’s an egg song, should I be worried?
mis one of the girls egg bound? I have heard this song for about a month once a week or maybe less.
Why are they not making the song in the nest box?

If it’s an alarm song, what are they alarming about? They are perfectly safe.

thank you for your insight. I’m a first time chicken keeper.
these girls are 21 weeks old by the way
Sounds like egg song to me. Sometimes my girls will sing even on days they aren't laying. I also have a hen who hasn't laid yet who has started "singing backup" for her sister, I think it's a sign that she will start laying soon since I've read that they may practice before starting to lay. That might be what's happening here if you haven't gotten any eggs yet – they're practicing for showtime!
Egg song! Mine make it when they come out of the nest after laying. Did you get an egg?

(I have the same Omlet Eglu!)
No. No egg yet. They have been doing this song for a while only once a week or so and I always look for an egg. This is my first time raising chickens and their first time trying to lay eggs. :)
No Instragram access but egg song and alarm call sound so similar to my human ears that I have to hear one after the other to be able to tell the difference.

Given their ages, they might be practicing the egg song, but never hurts to look out the window if you ever suspect it could be an alarm call.
By the way, do you like your Omlet Eglu? Do your hens use the nesting boxes?
I’ve had mine for about 4 months and I find it very practical. :)
I love it! I put a couple of fake eggs in the nest box so they know where to lay. One tried to sleep in there, so I closed the slider door at night until she got the point. I use sand under the roost bars and scoop once a day like I clean cat litter. I have the walk in run and use deep litter, so it's self composting. I have tarps up for the winter. I think I made it about as easy as I can. See below.


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