The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

We already had all that stuff stored, which is the entire point of prepping. My hens lay some eggs, but not that many. Enough, I guess. I got one Brahma egg today, though, and I should be getting at least 3 of the 6 hens'. Slackers. Even old crookneck Alice who is 10 yrs old is laying better than they are right now.
I've been needing printer ink. Dh doesn't want to pay the price of the replacement cartridges. Friday, I had enough of it, and bought an all-in-one, on sale. Dd #1, a couple of the kids, and I had to go to Staples in the next large town over, to pick up the printer. While we were out, we decided to risk a bit of grocery shopping, since the risk is on the low side for now. I didn't want to brave Wal-Mart on a weekend, but went to Publix. I'm glad I did.

We re-stocked on butter, milk, fresh produce, etc. I was able to get plenty of organic carrots for my mealworm farms. They had previously been out of them, so I was a bit low. I'm good for a month now. They had canned cat food back in stock too. I got some. They had been out of cat litter before too, but had 1 pail of the kind we use, so I got that too. There was 1 package left of the 3 packs of baby wipes we use. I was able to get toilet bowl cleaner, which had been out previously. They had a few big bags of sugar. We loaded up on coffee, and teabags too. Some of the things, I didn't really need, but are part of my routine grocery shopping. I prefer not dipping into my reserves, until necessary. They had plastic cups, so I got a package. Paper plates were back in stock too, but I'm good with that, so I didn't get any. They're still out of paper towels, TP, and cleaning supplies. I'm good on those things.

I called one of my cousins, and she uses the Publix grocery delivery. Her order came in, but there is a 3 day delay on the TP. They assured her, she will get it in 3 days. A LOT of my older friends have switched to the Publix delivery. They order, and pay online, then can get their groceries delivered within 2 hours. A few are using Wal-Mart, either for delivery, or for pick-up, so contact with other people is very limited. Amazon delivers groceries here now too. That gives those at a higher risk, better alternatives than having to put themselves at risk, just to get food to eat.
So much is out of stock on Amazon that I looked at. No Publix within an hour of here, but they are super pricey, the ones I've visited in the closest areas to us. Tom is off to the bank, Walmart (his first stop because it's so early), the P.O. and the feed store for shavings. We have enough feed, but shavings are low since it's been so rainy that they've been inside a lot and the dampness in the air makes the shavings soak up moisture.
A YouTube creator I listen to on occasion said he spoke to an Amazon driver and told him that he must be really swamped now with more ordering supplies online. The driver said deliveries had tanked, that so much product from China was not coming in, that they had less than half the usual deliveries. I guess that makes sense.
LG, and several of the bigger manufacturers warned over a month ago, that due to quarantines, they had cut production, and for awhile would not be able to meet demands for touch screens, phones, tech equipment, etc. I didn't see that as too big a deal for several reasons. People should be focusing more on basic needs right now, which I think they are. I hope too, that the slow down on gadgetry, gives them pause to reflect about not making everything so disposable now, especially big ticket items.
My son now has his GA Teacher Certification, but of course, they're all closed now. What timing he has!
A short time ago, he was concerned about being able to return here, before travel was restricted. He made it. Things will eventually turn around, and a teaching job will open up for him. I know that isn't a lot of help now, but it is what it is. He might have to resort to another type job, or apply for assistance, until he can get on his feet.
My husband likes to stock up on things so we already had plenty of TP and paper towels. I have also been sneezing into my inner elbow for years.
A few months ago, Trump made a trip to India and it was never made an issue or mentioned rarely. So I'm wondering if he's already looking to spread the manu. of medication to some other countries. Not smart to put all your eggs in one basket. There's probably more stuff that has to be switched over from a one-country supplier.

I have a dr.'s appt today. It's generally park the car, go up the stairs and the office is right there. I want to see if I can cancel the one on Thursday because I really don't need it right now. Today will be my first outing in 2 weeks.

I had to get my parents to stop going to the grocery store every day. And probably mom's rehab as well. They told my sister about the daily trips out and then offered to come pick her up! No way! I asked my hubs to not take his daily trip to Walmart and he got real mad. Then he says "okay you win". (win what?)
My sister works for a co-op of Manufacturers that import chemicals from China, then members can buy them for a lower cost than they could each get individually. She says that there were some problems getting supplies in for a while, but China is geared back up and is exporting at almost normal levels. So if there are imported items in short supply, they won't be for long, unless there are distribution issues.

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