The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

Apparently the prime signalment of the new virus is an insatiable desire for toilet paper. And bottled water - people seem to be confusing a respiratory virus with a hurricane. And if the water does go off, what are they going to use all that toilet paper for? :rolleyes:
We had a great paint pouring class yesterday, poured on egg-shaped wood cutouts and did they ever turn out nice!
Considering that we already have stocked away about 120 rolls of TP, I don't need to panic buy that item, but I also have quite a few rolls of paper towels socked away as well. I do prefer TP over shredding T-shirts, just saying....even an outhouse needs something!
If the water goes off, mine will still be running, having a well, plus a small solar generator that can power up if electricity is needed briefly. The ones who did nothing will suffer the fruits of their non-labor in this situation.

Even apartment dwellers can prep to a degree. I saw a video about a young woman who had stuff stuck in every conceivable area of her apartment, just in case, albeit not as much as we have, but still, she at least thought about it.
There are pictures of people that were loading up all the TP that Costco had, into a big box truck. They have one of those partnership stores on Amazon, and were selling it for triple what they paid for it. More recently, Amazon has put a stop to that practice. They're banning people that are price gouging. It would be nice if ebay would follow suit.
We went and did our shopping yesterday. The whole tp paper towel aisle was cleaned out. An employee was stocking a few items. She put one 4 pack of paper towels on the shelf. She than said to us "it's hard to choose which to buy, isn't it?" We had a good laugh.

Other things gone were laundry soap, dish soap, eggs, tortillas, pizzas, and cheese. It's a weird look into the minds of humans.

We have always been well stocked here too. We shop 2 times a month, and keep extra stuff on hand.
I suspect the water storage is similar to the avoidance of Corona beer, and total misinformation. Yes, some of it is that most are using a similar preparedness list, as that for a hurricane, BUT that's not the whole story.

A few of the early information updates, mentioned that people should cough and/or sneeze into the inside of their elbows. The virus is spread by water droplets. Now, you know there are some really stupid people out there, and the mention of it being spread by water droplets, they thought the contamination was spread by water. They didn't know they were referring to aerosolized, miniscule droplets of fluid, expelled when coughing, or sneezing. They thought it meant the water was contaminated. I actually have a young relative that bought into this, and stocked up water for her family, because of it. She knows better now.

If you don't think anyone can really be that stupid, consider how many people associated the name Corona with both the beer, and the virus, and came to the conclusion that staying away from Corona beer, and Corona beer drinkers, would prevent you from getting Corona virus. They actually had to release statements to the public about it.
There are pictures of people that were loading up all the TP that Costco had, into a big box truck. They have one of those partnership stores on Amazon, and were selling it for triple what they paid for it. More recently, Amazon has put a stop to that practice. They're banning people that are price gouging. It would be nice if ebay would follow suit.

I can't stand price gougers, but the ones who panic buy sort of egg them on in a way. If they already had a supply like we did, no one could price gouge because the off -load of TP from the shelves would be not much different than usual. Dream on, right?

I suspect the water storage is similar to the avoidance of Corona beer, and total misinformation. Yes, some of it is that most are using a similar preparedness list, as that for a hurricane, BUT that's not the whole story.

A few of the early information updates, mentioned that people should cough and/or sneeze into the inside of their elbows. The virus is spread by water droplets. Now, you know there are some really stupid people out there, and the mention of it being spread by water droplets, they thought the contamination was spread by water. They didn't know they were referring to aerosolized, miniscule droplets of fluid, expelled when coughing, or sneezing. They thought it meant the water was contaminated. I actually have a young relative that bought into this, and stocked up water for her family, because of it. She knows better now.

If you don't think anyone can really be that stupid, consider how many people associated the name Corona with both the beer, and the virus, and came to the conclusion that staying away from Corona beer, and Corona beer drinkers, would prevent you from getting Corona virus. They actually had to release statements to the public about it.

You mean them buying bottled water? Folks on city water can eventually have their taps turned off, I suppose. We are on well water, of course, with an electric pump. We have water stored mostly because of the chickens in case of electricity being shut off, but it's mainly until we can set up the pump to be powered by the small solar generator we have. I want to really set that up better, but Tom's issues control everything and so much is left undone because of that.
Yes, I mean the bottled water shortage. It's doubtful they shut off the city water supply. The power company has already announce that they will not be shutting off any power for unpaid bills for the next few months. This frees up some money, so those living on tight budgets can afford to get some supplies, and those that will be experiencing lowered, or a loss of income, won't have to worry about their power being shut off.
Yes, I mean the bottled water shortage. It's doubtful they shut off the city water supply. The power company has already announce that they will not be shutting off any power for unpaid bills for the next few months. This frees up some money, so those living on tight budgets can afford to get some supplies, and those that will be experiencing lowered, or a loss of income, won't have to worry about their power being shut off.

That's if the power company has anything to do with it. There are other reasons for a grid down situation. What if another country sees this as an opportune time to coordinate an attack on our grid? Hopefully they are too occupied with their own crisis to do that, but there are other reasons for power to go down.
This virus is unlikely to cause any water supply disruption. For most people, it will be no worse than a bad cold. And eventually they will stop testing and quarantining people, as it will become generalized. As long as not everyone is sick at the same time, there will be previously infected and recovered people to cover the necessary work - food delivery, utilities, garbage collection, medical cases, etc.

I think people buy water because they want to do SOMETHING, and in other disaster type situations they buy water. Personally, I would stock up on long-lasting storables like cheese (although I didn't need to buy any because I always have half a fridge full :D ) and crackers. And carrots, onions, garlic, dry rice and beans, canned meats, long storage fruits and veggies, dry pasta. Canned tomatoes and stock. Basically all the stuff I already hoard :lol:

And thanks very much to my girls for all the lovely eggs! The only thing I really bought in bulk was chicken feed.

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