The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

Thank you! They're incredibly stressful already. Spent most of our day triple reinforcing a pen that took us a week to build because they were smaller than anticipated! (*and* they brought us an extra, unannounced, and for free!) Even then, we had two break-outs, and towards the evening we were distraught because we were *convinced* they got out during our freak thunderstorm. Little buggers made a nest and blend so well, we couldn't see them with the flash-lights. We went to sleep defeated and telling ourselves no more hoof-stock. LOL. All four were still accounted for this morning and eager to eat.
Okay, Zara is almost there in beating my EE, June's record for the latest first egg ever here. June's first egg was at 40 weeks. Zara is 39 weeks old Wednesday!

Can you tell I'm just
?? She is gorgeous and I want to use her as a breeder, but to do that, she has to lay eggs, dang it.
I'm not sure I would use a bird that started laying that late as a breeder anyway, seems like thats something that might pop up again in later generations as well

But, her sisters have never been that late, though some of the Stukels were up to about 28-30 weeks. She has perfect barring. I just wish she'd lay. I hope she isn't a complete dud!
That's really the trick when it comes to breeding, isn't it? I have been lured into breeding a bird that is pretty, but has some less desirable characteristics, such as small or incorrectly colored eggs, or temperament issues. If only breeding was a la carte and you could pick what you wanted in the perfect bird!
I've occasionally have seen a chicken sitting on one of donkeys back while in the shed. The donkey doesn't seem to even acknowledge there's a chicken on it's back. I kept wondering why they would have chicken poop on their backs. Mystery was solved.

I had two wild BR roosters that would sit on top of the cows and crow! Lol!
Look at what we got yesterday! Not much of an addition to our chickens.... but these guys are sweet as a button. Old-spot x Blue-butt x 1/4 Wild Boar (I don't even want to imagine what what means...). Don't mean to hijack your thread, wanted to share some exciting news
Wild boar? Lol should be interesting little pigs... Congrats on the pigs!
After searching for small trucks (what is the deal with all the quad cabs???) and then seeing that even the small trucks get sucky gas mileage, I came on a small SUV at the lot where we bought the Honda CRV two years ago for a great price because it had higher than average miles, it was on sale for $1K off, I got another $1K off the price, paid cash and got a newer vehicle than I thought I could afford with what I had to spend. I decided that I will just double-bag my trash I take to the recycling center and go with this. It's FWD like my Lumina, not the AWD/4WD I was looking for originally, but after thinking that over the past two years, we've been fine with the one AWD vehicle and the FWD sedan, I opted for this SUV deal so it's easier for my husband to get in and out, not like crawling down to get in and pulling himself up to get out of the sedan. The seats are definitely more comfy than the CRV, my only complaint about that vehicle (and everyone else's as well). This lot gives a minimum warranty as well and have been good to deal with overall.

My 2013 Nissan Rogue. Hallelujah, it's not white, red or black! I always find bargains that are not colors I prefer. Thrifty us never holds out for a color over a bargain price, but this time, I get both!

And if someone wants to pay $750, they can have my '96 Lumina LS with only 152K on her. Excellent paint, interior and tires, smooth-riding vehicle, but a few things needed to be fixed that would probably too much on a vehicle of this age so, with full disclosure, I'll see if someone would like to have her. I'm going to miss her! I've had her since 2000, bought her myself for real estate to replace my Buick Century. Oh, I'll have to remove my BYC magnetic sticker! LOL.

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I really like the rogue. I prefer a white car so the idiot drivers can see me better.

Then you should get a neon yellow or one of those coppery metallic orange colors. Actually, I hate white vehicles as well as reds, but we are always looking for the best buys and it is never a color I want, like the Lumina. I did not want that blue car, but it was a good buy at the time.

If the Rogue doesn't work out the way I hope, I got it cheap enough that I can trade it in without losing much, if anything. The insurance is almost the exact same as the Honda CRV. Not too sure about this CVT trans, but so many upscale brand cars have it now and it is hopefully better than the earlier versions of it. We shall see. It drives really nice, has brand new tires and decent cargo space with extra, long flat storage under the cargo floor. Front seat and the console lid have what appear to be cigarette burn marks on them, though the last owner was a non-smoker. It was originally a rental car so who knows? They can't always control what the customer does.


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