The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

I've had hens sitting for almost 3 months, they were thin and depleted but they recovered. There must of been something wrong with her. You did get lucky having another hen take them. I have yet to have one of those hens.

That's what I thought, Lisa. I didn't really want to give her eggs after her sitting a full term, but I thought if I didn't do it, she would probably not break and it would be worse for her. I made sure to give her special food all the time, but she died anyway. So, it's likely something was internally wrong and with her lower reserves, she didn't have enough strength to go on. She was from the same hatchery as all my substandard hens, including three Speckled Sussex that all had something wrong with them--I got them at different times, too. I had one from a breeder, my Nelda, and she had something go wrong at 4 years old so I wanted more, but the hatchery ones would never live to adulthood.
Well, have to get ready to go to the other side of the world today. Give me strength, LOL. I hope it's not a day of political discussions. I get enough of that on the news, though it's mostly bashing, manipulation/propaganda, not actual news. Hope it's a peaceful day. Woke with a stiff neck and impending headache and it's raining today, a very chilly rain.
People are just so far removed from their food these days, a lot of them have no clue. And they don't teach these things in schools.
It is sad, isn't it. Most is just basic biology, and understanding how an animals body functions. I guess I learned most of my knowledge from reading and doing.
It is sad, isn't it. Most is just basic biology, and understanding how an animals body functions. I guess I learned most of my knowledge from reading and doing.

Very sad. I get questions all the time like why my green eggs are green, can a hen lay eggs without a rooster, can a hen have chicks without a rooster, etc, stuff that's pretty basic.

It really should be taught in schools, and I think everyone should be required to raise and slaughter at least one animal in their lifetime so they understand what it really means to eat meat. I bet meat sales would drop.

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