~The Fate of Packs Await~ A Role Play~

~Ash Storm dipped her massive head, secretly pleased at the unexpected invite. "Why, of course. Where do you wish to go?"

"The old Rushing Pack territory" River Rush says quickly, she loved to hunt there because that was where she was meant to hunt in her mind, being a Rushing Legacy and all. She looked at the ground realizing she said it so bluntly and to a Beta no less "I'm sorry, we don't have to go if you want hunt somewhere else"

~Ash Storm shook her head dismissively. "No, that's fine," she woofed, careful to keep her voice out of range of Dark Blood's ears. "I completely understand. Let's go."~
~Ash Storm set off at a brisk trot with River Rush. She hurdled a few meandering streams before they ended up in the wide moors of Rushing Pack. "Here we are," Ash Storm breathed, still in awe of the peaceful expanse of foggy moors.~
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~Ash Storm set off at a brisk trot with River Rush. She hurdled a few meandering streams before they ended up in the wide moors of Rushing Pack. "Here we are," Ash Storm breathed, still in awe of the peaceful expanse of foggy moors.~

River Rush takes in the beautiful scenery as the move quickly though the territory, once they arrived River Rush gave a wide grin "It's lovely isn't it?" She asks enchanted
~Ash Storm set off at a brisk trot with River Rush. She hurdled a few meandering streams before they ended up in the wide moors of Rushing Pack. "Here we are," Ash Storm breathed, still in awe of the peaceful expanse of foggy moors.~

River Rush takes in the beautiful scenery as the move quickly though the territory, once they arrived River Rush gave a wide grin "It's lovely isn't it?" She asks enchanted

~Ash Storm dipped her head, exhilarated by the enigmatic moor. "It sure is," she murmured and loped off into the fog with log strides. "Catch you later- with my catch!"~
~Ash Storm dipped her head, exhilarated by the enigmatic moor. "It sure is," she murmured and loped off into the fog with log strides. "Catch you later- with my catch!"~

River Rush gives a cheerful laugh "Let's have a challenge to see who can catch the most prey" and before Ash Storm could answer she had already darted to a near by stream to fish
~Ash Storm jolted into high gear as a trio of rabbits bolted across the boggy grass. She fell low into her haunches as she ran, knowing perfectly well that this was not a perfected tatic, but doing it anyway.~
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~Ash Storm jolted into high gear as a trio of rabbits bolted across the boggy grass. She fell low into her haunches as she ran, knowing perfectly well that this was not a perfected tatic, but doing it anyway.~

River Rush had picked a plenty stream and she was waiting patiently for the perfect time to strike. She extended a paw out as fast as lightning and she ended up scooping a trout which she quickly killed with a bite to it's neck.
~Ash Storm jolted into high gear as a trio of rabbits bolted across the boggy grass. She fell low into her haunches as she ran, knowing perfectly well that this was not a perfected tatic, but doing it anyway.~

River Rush had picked a plenty stream and she was waiting patiently for the perfect time to strike. She extended a paw out as fast as lightning and she ended up scooping a trout which she quickly killed with a bite to it's neck.

~Ash Storm bolted right up to a fleeing rabbit and, to her utter amazement, actually succeeded to pin one down and snap its spine. She allowed herself a small smirk of satisfaction as the tang of blood filled her nostrils.~
~Ash Storm bolted right up to a fleeing rabbit and, to her utter amazement, actually succeeded to pin one down and snap its spine. She allowed herself a small smirk of satisfaction as the tang of blood filled her nostrils.~

River Rush patiently caught three more fish before she was satisfied and started to trek back to where she last saw Ash Storm

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