The fish tank thread.

A few photos of my 75 gal tank and fish



Gary our pufferfish continues to consume expensive snacks. My youngest daughter threatened to put scuba gear on and go in after him after he ate her prized Betta and two of her Dwarf Gouramis. We talked about re-homing him but now Gary is getting his very own 29 gallon set up. I'll be painting the back of the tank black tonight before setting it up.

Once he is in his new home we will continue to get the 300 fully stocked.
In a few months I'll have the pleasure of setting up a semi-native tank. I plan to put the two bluegill I've raised from hatchlings in it (they are in a 10 gal tank now and are 1.5 inches long). I'll also put in a few fathead minnows. This is where it gets semi- native, I will also put a few Cory cats as well as a couple of mollies(for the constant supply of live food for the bluegill). I'm aware that it's recommended to heat the Cory's water but I have one with my bluegill in an unheated aquarium and he is going on five years old. The catfish(buffalo) has been with so many fish over the years, he was alive when I had a tank with a killifish, a male betta, fathead minnows, guppies, and a shiner. He seen 5 plus goldfish reach 6 plus inches long, as well as a koi right now that's 7 inches long(the goldfish and koi go out in my pond when they are big enough). He also seen a peppered Cory come and go due to ick( buffalo has never gotten sick). Let's just say that tough Cory has been through a lot and I hope he's still alive to see the new tank. I also would like to get a spawn off her/him when I get more Cory's.
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Cory's are tough little buggers and will do fine down to 60 degrees F. Make sure and post some pics!!

I got the 29 painted and hope to have Gary in his new home tonight!
Holy cow! I just noticed that one of my thermometers broke in my fish tank. I have no idea how (or when!) that happened. Thankfully the actual thermometer part didn't break.. But there must be broken glass in the tank somewhere as well as whatever those little balls are. What are those little balls anyway? I don't think my odds of finding them in a 75 gal planted tank are very good...
Holy cow! I just noticed that one of my thermometers broke in my fish tank. I have no idea how (or when!) that happened. Thankfully the actual thermometer part didn't break.. But there must be broken glass in the tank somewhere as well as whatever those little balls are. What are those little balls anyway? I don't think my odds of finding them in a 75 gal planted tank are very good...
I believe that the red stuff is an alcohol mixture, I don't know what the balls are though. You should do a water change and vacuum the substrate to get any alcohol and glass out, not to mention the ball things.

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