The Front Porch Swing


I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Thanks! you too!

my chores for today are:

Finish painting the goat house
Go Grocery shopping
Clean for guests that should arrive around 2pm
and if I have time: do a bit of work on the new coop's pen

but right now I am enjoying my coffee!!!!
Thanks! you too!

my chores for today are:

Finish painting the goat house
Go Grocery shopping
Clean for guests that should arrive around 2pm
and if I have time: do a bit of work on the new coop's pen

but right now I am enjoying my coffee!!!!

Guests? Fun! Have a great one!

I'm up earlier than I would like to be on a Saturday, but I stayed at a friends house last night and anytime that anyone moves in a house, I wake up. So, when one of them was up to use the bathroom, I was up the rest of the morning. lol...
I love this morning time when the husband is out walking the dogs and I can sit here drinking my coffee in peace and quiet.
He is a taskmaster...and will frown at me when he gets back if I am not painting but it is for my own good. gotta get stuff outside done before it is too hot!
'Before it gets to hot' happened about two months ago for us. I hate getting up and out when it is still too dark to really see what I am doing. But the dogs love being up and out when everything is still wet and they can read all the smells from the activity the night before. Even the old dog sharpens up and rejuvenates for the early dawn sniff trails.

I had to give up coffee, but English breakfast tea is my morning pleasure.

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