The Front Porch Swing

I bought some REAL fireworks the last time I was in SC and we tried and tried and tried to use them last night - but got chased in by rain showers time and time again. At this rate we'll be setting them off some clear night in August.
More rain off and on again today and facing more for the next week. BUT my son and I noticed at about 9 pm that it wasn't raining! So we ran outside with our fireworks and set off most of them. And between the booms and pops of ours we could hear other folks in this wet little town doing the same. We can even see the stars tonight. At least NC shouldn't have drought conditions until at least, say, 2015 at this rate.
um…we might have just picked up another puppy…

And we might need a name for said puppy.
(so far “Quigley” is winning out unless you guys can suggest anything better.)

His job will be protecting the goats and chickens. He’s a black and white Karakachan/Pyr mix
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I wish it had rained the 4th. the kids in the area have been setting off fireworks - the noisy stuff off and on for days (who has that kind of money?) but for July 4th. they started early in the morning and when I went to bed about 4 am - they were still doing it. They also shoot them off all thru the year - I don't know what the attraction is.
I have never been a fireworks fan. I only remember one as a tiny girl we did at our house then they were outlawed.

When we lived in tustin we could see the Disney fireworks so they are not terribly special anymore.

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