The Front Porch Swing

I think my thermometer is literally frozen @ 10 degrees :( the weather channel says its 17
I could not live some place where these temps were normal. Too darn cold for me. I left work at 11am yesterday so I could go home and give water to everyone. They were happy. Had 5 litters of rabbits born yesterday and lost one to exposure. Mom didn't cover them and she had them way before I got home to save them. The other 4 litters were still toasty warm this morning. Waiting on 3 more does to drop their litters but thankfully the temps will be warmer from here on out.
I'm still complaining it got cold enough to kill (I'm hoping it will come back) our lemon tree. That's 28 or below. But we just don't build for that kind of cold here.

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