the gals turned 5 weeks today &


Feb 16, 2015
Oregon Coast
they moved to their own space yesterday!!
couldn't be happier as the dust from their brooder was taking over my house and driving me batty. They've done 24 hrs in their semi finished coop but seem to be loving it.

We still have lots to do on the coop like lay down linoleum on the floor, put in a window, build the nesting boxes, add permanent roost bars, finish painting it and adding a regular light on a timer to it.

That's awesome! What breeds do you have? Make sure you don't use cedar shavings. Pine is better.

Yupp yupp I use a mixture of Dry Den & Pine shavings. Used it in the brooder as well.

Noticed you have a band on a chicks leg. What type?

I don't remember the type of band but they're the ones like the key ring style. However we've been working on taking them off today. I originally put them on for the kids to tell each named chick apart but I hate how they dig into their legs.

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