The Great Big Homemade Chicken Feed Recipe Sharing Thread

That's okay! I would post more recipes but I can't find any. If you ever find any that aren't on this thread please share it here!
Here is one from The Field and Table:

20 lb whole corn
30 lb whole wheat
5 lb crimped barley (I would have got whole if they had it at the feed store)

5 lb whole oats
5 lb black oil sunflower seeds
4 lb millet
2 lb kamut
10 lb lentils
4 lb sesame seeds
3 lb flax seeds
2.5 lb kelp meal (ordered in a 50lb sack from Neptune’s Harvest in MA)

2.5 lb crushed crab shell (also from Neptune’s Harvest)

2 lb alfalfa pellets
.25 lb livestock salt
2 lb crushed limestone
I also feed oyster shell free choice and kitchen vegetable and meat scraps.
This one is from Mary's City Chickens:

Summer Recipe:
[pounds: product]

20: shell corn
80: soft wheat
60: hard wheat (hard wheat had doubled in price here in MO in 2012 and the feed store isn’t carrying it so I’ve been subbing soft wheat instead)
80: oats
135: sunflower seeds
50: millet
50: field peas
25: flax
20: kelp granules (sold and fed separately)

Winter Recipe (Dec-Mar):
40: whole corn (increased ration for added warmth)
70: soft wheat
60: hard wheat
80: oats
125: sunflower seeds
50: millet
50: field peas
25: flax
20: kelp granules (sold and fed separately)

Gives us about 17% protein content!
Also to cut down on ingredients herbs can be used and they have a ton of nutritional value and can be grown at home for nearly free.
Before we moved I grew parsley, oregano, basil, cilantro and lavender (it can be used at a lavender but I grew it for the scent and because it's just beautiful:-D )

But since we bought our house last year I haven't had success at starting anything this year except sweet corn...

But here is a list of websites that have the list of herbs and there uses they just made it simple reading from the previous website from fresh eggs daily

I'm sure I can find more but I don't want to take over your thread lol!

What kind of herbs do you grow for your chickens?

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