The gross truth about ducks...

Your friends 3 yr old twin sons will want to come to your house all the time because they think loud splattery duck poops are the funniest thing in the world! And they will learn how to mimic that sound loudly at the most inappropriate times like church. They will also run up to you in the grocery store loudly shouting, "Let's go play pooping at your house!"
This one made me snort laugh...funny, funny, funny!!!!

I don't have ducks yet, and even after reading all the posts here I still want ducks.
LOL. I have a Pekin duck that is the same way! She's scared to death of deep water! Will she go in the nice, deep pool of water we set up (3 feet or so)? Nope! She will only go in her little kiddy wading pool that has about 8 inches of water in it. If I put her in the big pond she flips out and flaps out of the water as fast as she can.

Gaah! Ducks!
Ducks can take a little girl who was afraid of lady bugs and turn her into a little momma who scours the yard for worms and bugs, dropping them on a plate and bringing them in to the ducks to eat.

Duck spaghetti is what she calls the worms.
Ok, I just finished reading all these hilarious posts. I don't think I've laugh out load like this in a very long time. If someone ever has a bad day they need to read this thread. Honestly, it is the best.

Well, I have 6 three week old runner ducks.
Very entertaining. They live in a large dog cage at the moment. My duck coop is being built by my BIL (can't wait till it's finished). Yes, they are poopy critters for sure. I no longer keep pine savings with them becasue they EAT them. I no longer keep newspaper in there because they EAT it. I've noticed that these little ducks seem to be more like goats. They will eat anything and poop anywhere.
So now they live on towels. They can't eat them, they are absorbant and yes I go through a lot of them. It's ok, I hose them down outside and in the washing machine they go. I did solve the water problem. I have a roasting pan and in the roasting pan is a round rubbermaid container upside down. On top of that is the waterer. So now, when the ducks "drink" what they dribble goes into the roasting pan. Now they don't run out of water. It' pretty much stays in the pan too. This is a big plus. I do love my ducks........LOL!
I hope they get along with my chickens!

Thanks for starting this thread!

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