The Haven

Julie looked around the group with her steely gaze, "alright. We need people to scout ahead as we learn our surroundings. We need to stay quiet. We don't want to draw attention to ourselves. Scouts, spread out and search the area ahead and possibly behind us. Report back when your done and we'll figure things out from there."
Allen nodded. "alright." He said tampering with his high tech watch and finding a camouflage setting for his suit. He set the dial to on, and he glanced over at Jake. "Do you want me to show you how to do that?" He asked, switching his gaze to the horizon. "Which way Julie?"
Julie pursed her lips as she thought, her eyes narrowed at the horizon. "West." She said, her tone final as she looked at the setting sun, the sky turning a fiery streaked blanket across the blue.

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