The holi-daze are

Just remember Easter is coming.
More chicks.
Speckled- If a president can change when the time changes then a president should be able to add an extra month between November and December to keep people sane

Oh, please, no! Don't stretch it out! If we could do September-November-January, I'd be happy. We can skip Oct and Dec altogether. I can't skip November because it's my birthday.
Spirit- I think your husband is a very smart man


Spekled- Just think, it would break up the year like August does. There is absolutely nothing going on in August so if we had one more month like that to break up the holidays it would be perfect! And you can't keep a month just because it has your birthday.... Ok maybe you can but you have to share the cake
Aww man, Halloween is my favorite! How about you give me all your extra Halloween, I'll gladly take care of it. You can have my spare Easter, spring in general has a grudge against me. How's that sound? (What do you mean, that's not how it works?)
We always just do our own family things at home. Extended family is too extended, as in Australia and Kentucky.

I love Christmas, and I love Thanksgiving, do not do halloween. But on Christmas we don't stick with traditional foods, none of us really enjoy the taste of turkey, so we just decide what to make depending on our mood that year, I still love stuffing so usually ask mom for something stuffed, like a nice pork roast

I'm going to make Thanksgiving dinner this year, my first time. It's only the two of us so no hardship there, but I know what I want to make and will surely take forever in making it (slow chopper). I can't say what I'm making though as its a surprise for mom.

We have never been big present people, I for one wish the whole present shenanigins would fade away. Birthdays are for presents, holidays should be about food and family and alcohol

And I want the stores to STOP bringing out the stuff until the respective holiday is near, and then no more than 30 days before it!!!!!!!

It's rediculous and maddening and annoying, and by the way people, don't clog up the supermarket aisles just so you can stand around gabbing... and television advertisements, I DON'T NEED someone to spend money on me to feel loved! GRRR!

I love Halloween, always have, 'tis my favorite "holiday," however I agree entirely that it is ignored, hated, and skipped too much.

Sadly for me, Christmas isn't my favorite. When I was a kid it was an exciting time to think about it but the more life goes on the more I realize I just don't have Christmases like they advertise.
Me too. Carving pumpkins, trick or treating with the kids, haunted houses, hay rides, etc is SO much more fun than all the drama and stress Christmas seems to bring. Plus I get to spend Halloween with my family, not trying to go to all my relatives houses in 2 days in nasty weather and spend equal time with everyone so no one's feelings get hurt, etc. It's just a pain in the ... anymore.

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