The Incubator Thread

. They were hot for I would say 3 hours. 4 at very most.
Now I dont know. I live abroad. Now in the UK and my wife is looking after them. . I asked her if they were ok. She said yes. . I left the temp at 36-37. Thank-you for your reply. Craig

36-37 is to low----Your temp needs to be 37.5 to 38.5 according to if you have a still air incubator or forced air(fan) and according to if you are getting the reading from the top of the eggs or level with the bottom.
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I will see. . yes I know a hen is best. But I have 48 eggs. Lol.
Maybe I'mwwrong. Will ask the wife what temp is. . cheers guys.
Hello and Welcome! Your eggs are probably ok if they did not stay at 41 very long. First thing you need to always do is turn on the incubator and get the temp set/stable before you add eggs---even if it takes 2 days----then add eggs. Did you get it right?
Just got done with 10 day candling all 42 eggs in the LG forced air, have 7 that are questionable. But also have a few that are nicely veined and can see the chick moving in there but without adding any humidity are not loosing as much as the others is that something I should be worrying about?

Also one of the white leghorn went broody, she's sitting on 6 eggs as of this morning, she tried to confiscate eggs from the BR broody with 24/30 eggs that made it, which should hatch out in next few days
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Horrible hatch rate. Out of 30 eggs, we hatched 3 perfectly healthy chicks. I let them set a full week past 21 days and finally pulled the plug today. Almost all of them were fully formed and feathered, but apparently stillborn. What happened?

Can anyone tell me if this looks ok? I made a homemade incubator and I haven't put eggs in it yet, it has four little cups with water in them and there is insulation to keep the heat it's also lined with aluminum foil. I've never done this before and I was reading on older threads where people have made incubators similar to mine and had great turn outs. Thanks for the advice and help!
Horrible hatch rate. Out of 30 eggs, we hatched 3 perfectly healthy chicks. I let them set a full week past 21 days and finally pulled the plug today. Almost all of them were fully formed and feathered, but apparently stillborn. What happened?
would say temp was to low if it took em a week after the 21 days but PD or one of the others might know better
Thinking of buying a dickeys incubator, does anyone have any faults with them. and what about electronic vs waffle heating.

Why is auto correct always messing up what I want to say? I hate it.
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A stryo incubator will make you learn how to incubate eggs. A Dickey incubator will just do it for you

Electronic vs. wafer: call Mr. Dickey, he will explain to you in perfect detail the differences and you can decide for yourself. Everyone has their own preferences and opinions, he has to warranty his product and produce answers if it doesn't perform.

I chose Dickey because I can get immediate customer service and his product is made in the USA by a small business. I have no idea what GQF is about, but reviews on their customer service is sub-par, at best.

Forgot to mention: our hatch rate is well over 80%, after following Mr. Dickey's instructions, on a 3 tray, one tray hatcher incubator. We do staggered hatches every week and have never looked back.
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