The Incubator Thread

Is there anybody from Australia on this thread?
I'm thinking about incubating half of my Muscovies first clutch so they will be very domestic.
I have two small flocks and would like to use the eggs from my first flock to stock the second one.
I was thinking of hatching some ducklings under my broody brahma and was wondering wat u do with the ducklings after they are hatched or do u just leave it up to the mammy
How did you go about it?
I know nothing about this so any help would be greatly appreciated:)
well, you see, I don't have the best bator, it holds 9 eggs, I put in 5 3 were never fertile, 2 were only I hatched. the one that died, died on day 10ish I think and I think it was because of my bator, it dosent hold a constant tempature.

keep me posted on how your incubation goes!

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