The Incubator Thread

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2 Died, 4 unhatched, 2 hatched and a third needed help he was shrink wrapped and had piped but was stuck..I won't help much more but had to let the humidity resoften the membrane a little, this has worked for me in the past,"helping" them with the membrane means certain death in my experience. It's always hard getting used to a new incubator, for a first hatch with this one I'm pleased and I know what happened so it wont happen again. Thanks for the help and concern
I'm thinking about getting the jn12 egg incubator. Does anyone know about this one? thank you
i did some research on these incubators and there isn't much about them but from what I dug up the reviews weren't good. The one that holds 24 would be the one I would buy from the company. But from all the research I did I found it cheaper to get the hovabator genesis 1588 and this had better reviews and better results. ( so it might be a little more expensive but you get more bang for your buck) if you change your mind I would get the incubator with the turner from the G.F.Q website with the turner it comes out cheaper.
Best Wishes!
I'm thinking about getting the jn12 egg incubator. Does anyone know about this one? thank you
i did some research on these incubators and there isn't much about them but from what I dug up the reviews weren't good. The one that holds 24 would be the one I would buy from the company. But from all the research I did I found it cheaper to get the hovabator genesis 1588 and this had better reviews and better results. ( so it might be a little more expensive but you get more bang for your buck) if you change your mind I would get the incubator with the turner from the G.F.Q website with the turner it comes out cheaper.
Best Wishes!

Yes the Hivabators are GREAT . I've read so many cutomer reviews and found a friend of mine WHO ACTUALLY USES THIS INCUBATOR. I had no idea that she did, she's hatched so many chicks with it too .
Polish mom what kind of birds are those?
They are Black Crested White Polish.

These are the Parents.

Black chick is an anomaly ...not a cross, not possible. But from what I understand they are still not breeding 100% to type. Very new breed in comparison to most in the ABS. I'm interested in learning what chicks feather out to color and type and which do not, but I'm sure this black one is off. It will still be cool to watch it grow up an I'm sure he/she will be beautiful!
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went to a health food store, got these local eggs. I have hatched fridge eggs before. I will be happy with what ever eggs hatch the little one is from my hen- but I don't think the rooster is on the job yet. that is why I bought these. I have 2 eggs under a hen that are hatching- (pip) I will remove them then pop these warmed eggs under the hen.

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