What kind of readings were you getting---low---high---in the earlier days and latter days. How many trays did you have water in in the beginning? Give us some more info!I have a Genesis HovaBator 1588 (1st incubator in a very long time). First batch of 18 eggs, the bator did ok. Temp ran a little high, but not bad. Humidity did ok, too. Hatched 13 out of the 18, & 3 of the remaining 5 just weren't any good. Happy with results. About 2/3 way thru 2nd batch, a full 42 eggs. Humidity has been giving me fits this time. Is it the difference in more eggs or could it just be the incubator acting up? Sticking with it & monitoring closely, & we'll get results in about a week. Just trying to troubleshoot & familiarize myself. Thanks in advance.