The Incubator Thread

This is my current incubator, home made, I hatched out a bunch over the summer, I currently have 6 under a broody hen, and wanted to give her more babies so I put these in my incubator,

this is one of the greens...

this is one of the browns...
Grats Gander

11 am on the 11th was when they went into the bator, I haven't added any water since they went into lock lock down was day 17 last time i added anything and lid has been shut since. Not sure why it's doing that I see no moisture on the sensor. I have a little giant deluxe it has water channels, but your guess could be right too I'm just not seeing it as bator is closed and sensore is where window has more condensation as the towel I used doesn't cover the whole window

we do have extra thick shells too

eggs are leghorn, barred rock and a few buff orpingtons, they are outta our birds eggs. Yeah this is being a test of will now, but don't plan on helping them at least for a couple more days
We should be having some babies-----the temp might have been a little cool so maybe some will hatch tonight/tomorrow!! Thick eggs are no problem-----they break so much easier from the inside---LOL.
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yeah, gonna lock up the pets tonight, figure they are just seeing how tired they can make me, already taking after their moms, don't seem to have read the rule book lol. But seriously not time to stress yet

looks liek 2 are gonna get serious now, see like little peice pushing out like the egg tooth but not breaking through yet. didn't know hard shell eggs could look like stretch putty
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these are all reverse order of chicks I had over the summer from this incubator.

the above were actually 8 total in that group, I gave a broody hen the other 3 not in pic.

someone gave me 2 eggs in this group, but only one was fertile...

these 2 chicks were eggs I popped in incubator to test if a hen was fertile...

the eggs below were a stagered hatch...

below are some of the chicks from that group...

2 groups I eventually combined...

more hatched not in pic..

the eggs below were the first group I hatched this year...below the eggs were the chicks from these eggs...

I am sure I have some I am not even listing, this incubator hatched a bunch like I said.
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the eggs below were the first group I hatched this year...below the eggs were the chicks from these eggs...

I am sure I have some I am not even listing, this incubator hatched a bunch like I said.
Well I am impressed, must have has a double yolk egg hatched because there is one more chick hatched than eggs. Thats great.
see the big one in the middle? it was from a separate hatch, some of my hatchers were test runs before the bigger hatch, so I did not waste eggs
this is the bigger chick as a solo before the others hatched. I entered him in Backyard poultry Magazine in the April/may issue you can see him on pg 18.
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don't need thermostat. foam lined cardboard box 18''x18'' holds heat in a 70 degree room. 15 w bulb.w/heat shield and foil down.

I have experimented with many little homemade incubators this is the best one- I have even gone on vacation after the 11 day and came back on day 22 to hatched babies.
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what's the best way to encourage a hen to go broody?

also how can you make a really easy incubator at home that can like..actually work (lol) and hatch baby chicks?

(yes we have lots a hens and roosters) ;)

(if you want more info surrounding this subject take a look at my first post ;) )

Thanks in advanced!

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