The Incubator Thread

I counted the days by the timer on the incubator- I turned on the incubator and let it raise to temp, placed in all the eggs, and set the number of days to 21. Yes, after the second one hatched and they were both dry, I opened it to place a small saucer of electrolyte water. All three that hatched are thriving and perfect
I counted the days by the timer on the incubator- I turned on the incubator and let it raise to temp, placed in all the eggs, and set the number of days to 21. Yes, after the second one hatched and they were both dry, I opened it to place a small saucer of electrolyte water. All three that hatched are thriving and perfect

I feel according to your time, your eggs started hatching a little late, so your incubator was running a little to cool---most all the eggs should have been hatched by the end of day 21. Next, other that the slight delay in hatch--everything appeared to be going good until you opened it to add electrolyte(they did not need that)---then other than one that had already pipped hatching the nest day----nothing else happen. I had the same results years back when I open the incubator during the hatch---rarely nothing else that was not already pipped hatched. I might be totally wrong but I feel when the incubator was opened cool air rushed in and caused the eggs to fog(like glasses)and possible drowned the rest---I might be way off but something sure happen during that time----so Lets do a test, set some more eggs do them the exact way----on day 18 candle add extra water and Lock-down--when they start hatching DO NOT open the incubator till all(that's going to hatch---hatch), if your first eggs hatch on day 21---they will be fine till day 24 if needed---maybe most will hatch on day 22/23---They need NOTHING, no water, no food I promice you. Don't open it. If you need to add water---figure out the first 18 days how to add water without opening it. Nothing wrong with opening the incubator for a few the first 18 days----just not when its time to hatch. Opening the incubator for some does not affect their hatch(they say)---I think where you live might be like where I live----if I open mine during the hatch----I kill most all that is left in it.

If you are going to hatch again----Let us hatch along with you----so we can see the results of the next hatch.

Some might tell you different, let me say this---as I said earlier I had bad hatches when I open my incubator when hatching, Now I do not open the last 3/4 days for Nothing----In the last 1 1/2 years I have hatched over 5700 and I have better than a 95% hatch rate---at times I have 100%, 99% the last hatch 4 days ago--233 chicks out of 236 eggs.
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I'm doing the delightful diy incubator! It's an old roaster, with a heating lamp/cardboard/picture frame glass combination top. Still air. I'm not banking on anything, but i LOVE experimenting like this!

I have 3 thermometers in there. One digital read out that has a sensor and the read out is outside the incubator. It gives me humidity as well-i checked the humidity along an enormous analog one that i have and it's accurate within 5%. The digital is reading to 99°. I have a regular ourdoor hang on the wall stick straight analog therm reading out at 102. I have an analog aquarium style one reading out at 98.

The humidity is reading at 37-8%.

1. Are these readings where i want them in the first 18 days?

2. When i go in to rotate, would there be any wisdom in bringing in a space heater to blast in some warm air in through the opening to decrease the amount the temps drop?

3. I know lockdown is possibly months away if my first few rounds dont hatch. But when that time comes, again, can the space heater and our shower be helpful? We have a huge walk in shower. About 5x3 feet. I could easily get the whole set up in there, or run the shower and steam up the entire bathroom. What are some methods peopple have used to up humidity inside and outside the incubator? Just a lot more sponges? One of those clothes steamers? Hot plate with boiling water and a tent? Will any of that work? Haha. I want to be prepared! An get spplies in advance.
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I'm doing the delightful diy incubator! It's an old roaster, with a heating lamp/cardboard/picture frame glass combination top. Still air. I'm not banking on anything, but i LOVE experimenting like this!

I have 3 thermometers in there. One digital read out that has a sensor and the read out is outside the incubator. It gives me humidity as well-i checked the humidity along an enormous analog one that i have and it's accurate within 5%. The digital is reading to 99°. I have a regular ourdoor hang on the wall stick straight analog therm reading out at 102. I have an analog aquarium style one reading out at 98.

The humidity is reading at 37-8%.

1. Are these readings where i want them in the first 18 days?

2. When i go in to rotate, would there be any wisdom in bringing in a space heater to blast in some warm air in through the opening to decrease the amount the temps drop?

3. I know lockdown is possibly months away if my first few rounds dont hatch. But when that time comes, again, can the space heater and our shower be helpful? We have a huge walk in shower. About 5x3 feet. I could easily get the whole set up in there, or run the shower and steam up the entire bathroom. What are some methods peopple have used to up humidity inside and outside the incubator? Just a lot more sponges? One of those clothes steamers? Hot plate with boiling water and a tent? Will any of that work? Haha. I want to be prepared! An get spplies in advance.

??????????, Lol---Just calm Down I would remove the straight "analog" thermometer---its to far off. When you say "rotate: I am figuring you me turning the eggs which needs to be done several times a day-----No you do not need a heater to blast extra heat into it-----just open, turn, close, it will get back to temp in a little while. Humidity is controlled by water----the more surface area the higher the humidity----so if you need the humidity higher put in a bigger pan or another pan of water. A sponge will dry out quick and a sponge laying in water don't really help unless its causing more surface area. 3 days before they are due to hatch, stop turning, increase moisture and hopefully you will have a way to add more water inside without opening the incubator. Leave it closed and let them hatch. Good Luck
PD that evil LG is working this year just cause hens are all broody lol chicken math is gonna bite me in the seat end now lol

but heres some from under the broody, apparently they don't all hatch in a day lol

Thanks for talking me down ha! So far so good. The temperature has been between 98 and 102, with a slight dip this morning between 330 and 630 from 100 to 96. Definitely not too concerned. After a few hours all 3 thermometers synced up pretty well, so since it's a still air incubator, i put one in front of the eggs, one on top of them and one behind. The front stays around 101-2, the back stays 98-99. I'm amazed and sort of impressed! It's a really basic contraption!

I adjust the temps by either moving the heating lamp itself over, which creates a slightly larger air vent, or by moving the whole top at once to keep the same amount of air going in but bring the light closer to the eggs. It takes maybe a centimeter or half of one to adjust by a degree. This is probably one of the neater experiments i've attempted

Thanks for talking me down ha! So far so good. The temperature has been between 98 and 102, with a slight dip this morning between 330 and 630 from 100 to 96. Definitely not too concerned. After a few hours all 3 thermometers synced up pretty well, so since it's a still air incubator, i put one in front of the eggs, one on top of them and one behind. The front stays around 101-2, the back stays 98-99. I'm amazed and sort of impressed! It's a really basic contraption!

I adjust the temps by either moving the heating lamp itself over, which creates a slightly larger air vent, or by moving the whole top at once to keep the same amount of air going in but bring the light closer to the eggs. It takes maybe a centimeter or half of one to adjust by a degree. This is probably one of the neater experiments i've attempted
Hey, I know a woman that hatched one egg in a small clay flower pot--with a hanging light---she had to check on it every little while---even during the night.
That is AMAZING! And not too bad of an idea really. If you set the pot over a bowl of water...... hmmmmm. Makes my noggin start turning ;) I think i'm going to have to check on it through the night, but between my kids and my bladder, that should be manageable! it's only 3 weeks. If i get it to hatch haha!
I'm sure it's not as exciting to anyone else, but so far i think it's actually working! The highest it has gotte is 103 in the front, which was 101.5 on top of the eggs and 100 behind them. Andit was only there for about an hour.

Overall right behind the eggs stays 98-99, on top is around 100, in front is 101-102. Humidity has been between 35-40 until today. It's going to rain, so humidity is up to about 48 in there. Going to try to keep it above 40 from this point forward until lockdown! Can't wait to candle in a few days!

Edit: couldnt resist. Candled. Barely visible veins on 4 of the 5. All air sacs have expanded about an 1/8th of an inch. So much could still go wrong, but if i keep a good log, i at least know i can make it the first 3 days!
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I'm sure it's not as exciting to anyone else, but so far i think it's actually working! The highest it has gotte is 103 in the front, which was 101.5 on top of the eggs and 100 behind them. Andit was only there for about an hour.

Overall right behind the eggs stays 98-99, on top is around 100, in front is 101-102. Humidity has been between 35-40 until today. It's going to rain, so humidity is up to about 48 in there. Going to try to keep it above 40 from this point forward until lockdown! Can't wait to candle in a few days!

Edit: couldnt resist. Candled. Barely visible veins on 4 of the 5. All air sacs have expanded about an 1/8th of an inch. So much could still go wrong, but if i keep a good log, i at least know i can make it the first 3 days!

It IS very exciting, I am waiting on you hatch too. Make sure you keep us updated.

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