The Incubator Thread

ok stocked up on coffee, creamer and anything else I might need, lock down starts in the morning with that LG now have real camera might get some picks of the candle tonight
PD got a question for ya, Incubator went into lock down this morning majority looking right on target but have a few that look several days behind them, what would cause that. Do see movement and development and all eggs were placed at same time, should I leave em be extra time or what?
PD got a question for ya, Incubator went into lock down this morning majority looking right on target but have a few that look several days behind them, what would cause that. Do see movement and development and all eggs were placed at same time, should I leave em be extra time or what?

In one of my recent post---I mentioned that there were 236 eggs going into lock-down----My mother candled them and 3 looked like you mentioned---I told her we were going to leave them in-----but I did not mark them----If you recall 233 hatched, I do not know if those 3 were "the" 3 or not. Many times I have seen this, but each eggs----can be different. Having looked at 1000's and 1000's if it is way behind----something is wrong so I discard it. If it looks close but I can tell its not right I give it a chance. I take my chicks out about mid day 22 and if a few eggs remain I put them back in the hatcher for another day---I do not ever remember another egg hatching after day 22. So if I see a egg or 2 on the next hatch that looks like that one say---I discard it when candling for lock-down. See when you are dealing with 100's and 100' I do not have time to baby a sick chick even if one of the "behind" ones hatched. I suggest if you got several that look behind at lock-down---that you check your incubator for cold spots---if everything looks good----May you could even sacrifice one to Learn from.
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I don't do that many at once, but the eggs are out of the flock, will see what happens in 3 days time. watching the LG very closely, checking temps every half hour as this was when i had issues with temp spikes last year, but so far so good. I do have them marked, as already pulled early quitters guess time will tell. had 38 go into lock down but 5 look to be a few days behind. 4 early quitters was lots better than last year.
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Can anyone tell me if any of these took? I have never done this before and even when I look at the charts and stuff I have no idea.





These are all different eggs but look the same to me. I'm totally lost.
It IS very exciting, I am waiting on you hatch too. Make sure you keep us updated.

I HAVE 3 WITH AMAZING VEINS! The other two look like they might be a day or two behind, or they are no good. We will find out in a week or so! Of the 3, one looks like it might be starting to develop its little eye! Which is a bit ahead of where i am counting us- we are early day 5 by hours right now, but the incubator is definitely running 100-100.5 in the middle, so it could be a little ahead. I'm debating trying to get the temp down to an even 99 for a day.

So far so good! I know i can get eggs to day 5!
Can anyone tell me if any of these took? I have never done this before and even when I look at the charts and stuff I have no idea.

These are all different eggs but look the same to me. I'm totally lost.
How long have the eggs been incubating would be some very helpful info?? At this time---they all look clear to me.

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