The Incubator Thread

Bald chocks question. We used a forced air Farm Innovator incubator with digital thermometer and humidity. Some of our eggs were a little older, but we tried anyway with some fresher ones. Just some Easter Eggers. We are just at day 21 now and have 9 chicks,6 with bald necks and a couple a little on the shoulder. No naked necks that we know of at the farm where we purchased our 3 hens and some other eggs.
Temp stayed between 99.5 and 101 pretty steady, humidity around 45% until lock down and we increased to about 70%

Does anyone know why some are partially bald?


I started to collect 50 eggs. In a few days I turn incubator.

The graph presenting temperature maintained by the controller during incubation.
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Great news! We had 3 viable eggs and they are DANCING!!! Super active, probably on day 7 based on development. I put them in late on the 19th, so i figured we would be on day 6 but they seem a bit farther along. Just gotta keep things steady for 2 more weeks! Here's to hoping!
seeing some little spikes in humidity and temp today haven'[t added any water since Saturday, is this caused by them starting to internally pip? temp has been stead up until now
finally then lol, it's done it 4 times already today, and really watching it as last time 7 pipped while I was sleeping and it killed them all spiking super high temp.

Thought about once they started internally pipping turning the incubator off to avoid that scenario again, is that safe as they are in the house?
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finally then lol, it's done it 4 times already today, and really watching it as last time 7 pipped while I was sleeping and it killed them all spiking super high temp.

Thought about once they started internally pipping turning the incubator off to avoid that scenario again, is that safe as they are in the house?

Where some mess up is watching so close and see the temp drop, then they try to adjust it, then it goes to high, then they try to adjust it again---then it goes to low----adjust again, etc, etc. When I take my turner out on day 18 I slightly tweek my styrofoam incubators then I do not touch it again. If it drops a degree on day 20/21 or raises a degree---it has always gotten back right---adjusting during the hatch time is a Big No, No in my opinion.
I never mess with the settings but last time as they were getting ready to hatch it spiked a temp of 106 and killed them all 3 working on external pipps and 4 that just internally pipped, not pretty eggtopsy. will stay awake to watch for that then just to be on safe side, this hatch seems to be doing just a few at a time though
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