The Incubator Thread

finally then lol, it's done it 4 times already today, and really watching it as last time 7 pipped while I was sleeping and it killed them all spiking super high temp.

Thought about once they started internally pipping turning the incubator off to avoid that scenario again, is that safe as they are in the house?

This is just part of the process so just sit back and enjoy


I'm running on the assumption that we are on day 8.

I dont think my air sacs are big enough and i also think 2 of my eggs are a day or so behind the other. The picture with 3 shots of the egg, the small black dot is the eye, yes? Is the dark blob to the right more of the body or is it a cluster of yolk or blood vessel or something else?

Small air sacs mean too much humidity, right?
Ok hearing chirps every once in a while but not seeing anything yet.

might have to take up drinking lol

LOL. Go fishing!!

Edited to add----Last week I stop in and glanced in the window and seen a couple had hatched the morning of day 20. I stopped by again for a minute the afternoon of day 21 and I could see there was a huge hatch. I walked out telling the ones that were peeping out the holes that I would see them the next day(22). My Mother and I went out about mid day---22--- and started taking them out the trays and putting them in the 4 big brooders that were ready for them. 233 chicks out of 236 eggs. I guess what I am trying to say is I just leave them alone till its time---LOL.
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lol it's not from watching the incubator that thinking up drinking, it's from the crazy online book party I'm attending to keep my mind off them
Incubation Experiment
Follow along and help me on my journey!!!

Our Langshan eggs finally arrived today!!!!

I unwrapped, inspected and nestled them pointy end down and left them to adjust to room temperature.

After a fiasco of a trial run, this is the real deal. I an VERY nervous. I've implemented nearly every suggestion given from my last post. Incubator is on the main floor of the house, away from windows, direct sunlight, air vents, etc. The incubator is a Farm Innovators brand with digital temperature and humidity display and auto turner.

From recommendations I purchased a secondary unit (HSS Digital Temperature Humidity Meter). After cleaning and disinfecting the incubator, I plugged it in, inserted the secondary meter, and let it run all day. The read outs from the incubator and the HSS are wildly different. Not knowing which one to believe, I also placed my cheese making thermometer and children's thermometer in the two air vents. After 20 minutes I checked each. There is a 10 degree difference between all of them. I'm at my whits end.

40 eggs
Langshan 12
Americana 5
Wyandotte 8
Welsummer 8
Oliveegger 7

April 27 10:42 (Day 1)
99.5/83.8 (set to 100)
Room temp 74
From recommendations I purchased a secondary unit (HSS Digital Temperature Humidity Meter). After cleaning and disinfecting the incubator, I plugged it in, inserted the secondary meter, and let it run all day. The read outs from the incubator and the HSS are wildly different. Not knowing which one to believe, I also placed my cheese making thermometer and children's thermometer in the two air vents. After 20 minutes I checked each. There is a 10 degree difference between all of them. I'm at my whits end.

April 27 10:42 (Day 1)
99.5/83.8 (set to 100)
Room temp 74
I would trust the HSS meter before I would the built in one. What was the difference in them temp wise? Are you sure you should have both red plugs in now??? You posted "day 1"---there are 2 ways to look at Day 1----keep in mind a day is 24hrs, so the next day 24 hrs later, at the same time is 1 full day and if you want to say it this way---day 1 will end and day 2 will start at the end of 24 hrs----you just need to keep in mind that when candling comparing, taking the turner out etc that you make sure "your" day has been completed as far as hours. Most people do not say day 1 till the eggs have been in 24 hrs, day 2 after 48 hrs, etc. Good Luck
day 22, still nothing else going on that I can see in the incubator. It's been 14 hours now since the first chick hatched, should I be worrying?

using the LG fan forced and had a sporadic+.02 temp and little humidity increase over last couple of days but only one chick hatch so far, will candle tonight to check on the others and remove hatched chick

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