The Incubator Thread

day 22, still nothing else going on that I can see in the incubator. It's been 14 hours now since the first chick hatched, should I be worrying?

using the LG fan forced and had a sporadic+.02 temp and little humidity increase over last couple of days but only one chick hatch so far, will candle tonight to check on the others and remove hatched chick

Mercy, Sorry!! We might be talked about this before----are You in day 22 or its been 22 complete days plus??? Some people say that they are day 1 as soon as they put the eggs in the incubator----What is the date/time you set them?? Do you have the vent plugs(usually red) in or out the vent hole?
just started day 22, they were set April 6th 7 or 8 am, nope never have them in

well guss some are just gonna be slow, just got another external pip
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Second one is out but somethings wrong. it's talking with the other but this doesn't look like yolk sack greenish in color as pic isn't that great, put it in a bowl though so the other one couldn't get after it

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Second one is out but somethings wrong. it's talking with the other but this doesn't look like yolk sack greenish in color as pic isn't that great, put it in a bowl though so the other one couldn't get after it

Hmm, I would have never opened it, but its your incubator!! Good Luck
LOL. Go fishing!!

Edited to add----Last week I stop in and glanced in the window and seen a couple had hatched the morning of day 20. I stopped by again for a minute the afternoon of day 21 and I could see there was a huge hatch. I walked out telling the ones that were peeping out the holes that I would see them the next day(22). My Mother and I went out about mid day---22--- and started taking them out the trays and putting them in the 4 big brooders that were ready for them. 233 chicks out of 236 eggs. I guess what I am trying to say is I just leave them alone till its time---LOL.
That is lots of chicks!
Do you put anything such as newspaper under the eggs in the hatching trays or leave it bare wire?
Second one is out but somethings wrong. it's talking with the other but this doesn't look like yolk sack greenish in color as pic isn't that great, put it in a bowl though so the other one couldn't get after it
I had one like that before and it was fine although mine was more active and not laying there like that

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