The Incubator Thread

Is it normal for the eggs in the last week of incubation to become very active? I noticed that one of my eggs is moving around on its own. Is it getting itself ready to hatch? They still have 6 days.
Ok. Well this is stinking up the whole room, and I mean I can tolerate it but it's unpleasant.
(Update) I found the culprit I believe. I smelled one of the eggs and it was quite unpleasant. I'm glad I did though because I think if it were in there much longer it would have blown.

Did you smell the rest?? Might be more than one!! Get in the habit ever 2/3 days to take a few minutes longer when you are turning---to bring the eggs to your nose----or stick your head in close and smell them laying on the rack-----that will keep you ahead of the game!!

Several people ask me why I do not use the 5 gallon bucket automatic waterier on my cabinets---I tell them if I did---I might get lazy and not check it every day----till lock down. I open my cabinet every day and as it is opening---I stick my nose in it an do a quick smell--------if a egg is going bad---I can smell, that smell and get it out before it causes a mess.
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Is it normal for the eggs in the last week of incubation to become very active? I noticed that one of my eggs is moving around on its own. Is it getting itself ready to hatch? They still have 6 days.

That's kinda early---but anything is possible. Were you very careful to collect fresh eggs to put in it---not collecting any that a hen was setting on etc???
I've noticed that my incubator gets stinky (like rotten egg) near hatch date even with all good eggs. In my experience, the smell has never been intolerable, but it has been noticeable, and is usually just noticeable when I get close to the incubator. Even a couple feet away from it I cannot smell it, but when I am near it or remove the lid I notice it.

Hmmmmmmm?????? I have hatched 1000's in several different incubators and I have a very sensitive nose----I do not have any stink??? Only time I have stink is if I have a bad egg or if I allow a chick to stay in the Styrofoam incubator a extra day after the others hatch and the incubator has not been cleaned yet. I would think you have gotten a egg gone bad??
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Hmmmmmmm?????? I have hatched 1000's in several different incubators and I have a very sensitive nose----I do not have any stink??? Only time I have stink is if I have a bad egg or if I allow a chick to stay in the Styrofoam incubator a extra day after the others hatch and the incubator has not been cleaned yet. I would think you have gotten a egg gone bad??
I have been lucky with a 100% hatch rate in 4 different hatches in two different incubators and in all cases I've smelled the faint rotten egg smell in the last few days prior to hatch date. Maybe my nose is slightly more sensitive?
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Just went on lockdown yesterday! I'm so excited I just keep going over and staring at the eggs.

Also how long does it take from the internal pip to hatching? And when do the usually start pipping? day 28, right?
Just went on lockdown yesterday! I'm so excited I just keep going over and staring at the eggs.

Also how long does it take from the internal pip to hatching? And when do the usually start pipping? day 28, right?

Regular Ducks usually hatch in 28 +/- Days---according to the temp and other things. From internal to hatch, a few minutes, to a few hours even a day??? That again has a lot to do with the egg, the temp, etc----some might pip on day 26 some on day 27/28--again according to how the temp has been running as well as everything else during the incubation. Good Luck

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