The Incubator Thread

I put a thermometer I had laying around my house in the bator and its reading the same temperature as the thermometer that's built in so maybe mine are actually correct

If you can not get ot no higher than 99-----with the thermostat turned all the way up-----something is wrong----I promise. Well unless its in a freezing room.
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If you can not get ot no higher than 99-----with the thermostat turned all the way up-----something is wrong----I promise.  Well unless its in a freezing room.

My house is kept between 68-70 degrees.. Should I try misting them more to get the humidity up higher and see if that helps? Or even candle them quickly?
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So I had 9 eggs in my bator and none of them hatched. But my two ducks were also sitting and one of them had no luck and left the best and the other took over all of the eggs. So today I took all the DIS's out and she has four eggs left, now because this was my first time for any of this my eggs were not marked so all I know is the duck still on the best started sitting about 2-3 weeks ago. So I'm assuming the fours eggs still in there are probably due pretty soon.

So my question is are they starting to pip? I candled them today and when I candled them as I moved the egg I could see shadows (I'm assuming that's the ducklings shadow) but then in all but one of the egg I saw this little bump along the air sack. Because I couldn't get a picture at the moment I looked online and found a picture that kinda looks like what I'm taking about.

If you look there is a little point the ones in my eggs are slightly bigger but not much. Is that there bill starting to internally pip? (Again the egg in the picture is not one of my eggs)
It may be, or it may just be an elbow or something pressed against the membrane. That egg doesn't look drawn down enough to be pipping yet, going by the air cell charts for ducks. 

I went and took pictures of my eggs. I didn't take a picture of one of them because I think it's either an early death or just younger than the rest. Also one of the ones I did take a picture of looks odd.

Here's #1

Here's #2

Here's #3 this is the one that's looks odd.
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I need help! My eggs are at 29 days now, with signs of 3 of them that have clearly pipped through. One of them started 48 hours ago with no progress. I followed instructions for the Brinsea, filling both reservoirs with water and not opening the lid 2 days prior to hatch day. I came home this evening to find no further progress, so I took the one out that pipped out originally. I candled it, seeing no movement and tapped on the shell, which I previously heard chirping to find no sound. I went ahead and opened it up to find a dead duckling. I did this for the next one; same thing, dead. The yolk had not been absorbed with either of them. I went about checking the rest of them, finding only 1 in 6 with life. Afraid of losing it too, I opened the egg up enough to expose the bill. It is chirping and moving. It's been 2 hours now, making no progress. I spritzed the shell with warm water and loosely wrapped the majority of the egg in a warm, damp paper towel. Should I leave it like this in the incubator over night and hope he doesn't die or should I continuer helping him out? I'm afraid of losing my last ducking. What do you think went wrong?

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