The Incubator Thread

I tried an experiment with paint silkie eggs. They seem to be the hardest to get to hatch. I have 1 hen and 1 roo so all eggs came from 1 hen. I collected 7 eggs and put them in the incubator the day they where collected. Then I took them out and collected 6 more. I kept them air cell up in an egg carton in a warm room. (our air conditioner is out) I set them in my little brinsea and on day 8 I candled and only 5 of the refrigerated eggs where duds. One had a blood ring. The rest are doing great. This makes the oldest surviving egg 8 days old and was in the fridge then taken out and left for 6 days in the heat. They are due to hatch on July 7th. I plan to give them to my hen on hatch day since she is broody now.

I'll let ya all know what hatches. I was curious if I could put my eggs in the fridge on these hot days and still be able to incubate them later. I don't like to leave eggs in the heat if I plan to hatch or sell for hatching them, I read that somebody set a dozen store bought eggs that had been in the fridge and they actually had a couple to hatch.
Can I hatch eggs?? I just obtained a brand new Brinsea Mini Advance Hatching Egg Incubator but I worry because my house doesn't have a thermostat or anything. I just have a window AC that I manually turn on and off. Wouldn't that make the temp in my house too off for incubating? It really does fluctuate a lot in here. Is the incubator good enough to compensate for this? I'm afraid it won't be. I even thought about putting the whole incubator inside a larger box in an attempt to further stabilize its temp.
Can I hatch eggs?? I just obtained a brand new Brinsea Mini Advance Hatching Egg Incubator but I worry because my house doesn't have a thermostat or anything. I just have a window AC that I manually turn on and off. Wouldn't that make the temp in my house too off for incubating? It really does fluctuate a lot in here. Is the incubator good enough to compensate for this? I'm afraid it won't be. I even thought about putting the whole incubator inside a larger box in an attempt to further stabilize its temp.
If it is not drafty there you put the incubator then why not start.. I don't have an AC where I have my Styrofoam incubator.It is in the shed. It gets up to 90's during the day and in the 70's at night. The eggs are alive and moving as of yesterday and they are almost two weeks old. I say go for it and if you need to put it in a box then do that. Good luck!
If it is not drafty there you put the incubator then why not start.. I don't have an AC where I have my Styrofoam incubator.It is in the shed. It gets up to 90's during the day and in the 70's at night. The eggs are alive and moving as of yesterday and they are almost two weeks old. I say go for it and if you need to put it in a box then do that. Good luck!
Wow really, outside?? That's awesome! If temps can vary that much then I won't be so worried. Just all the reading I've done you start to hear these horror stories and getting super worried for a first timer. I'd really like to know your results once they have hatched!
Can I hatch eggs?? I just obtained a brand new Brinsea Mini Advance Hatching Egg Incubator but I worry because my house doesn't have a thermostat or anything. I just have a window AC that I manually turn on and off. Wouldn't that make the temp in my house too off for incubating? It really does fluctuate a lot in here. Is the incubator good enough to compensate for this? I'm afraid it won't be. I even thought about putting the whole incubator inside a larger box in an attempt to further stabilize its temp.
I have my brinsea in one of the bedrooms that has a window air conditioner. It's actually sitting under it about 2 feet. It's sitting on a stool. The eggs in it are due to hatch on the 7th and they are doing very well. In the spring when we where still using wood heat it was in the living room where we have our fans to move the heat into the house. I got 100% hatch rates. These Brinsea's are great. I'd go ahead and load it and start hatching.
Wow really, outside?? That's awesome! If temps can vary that much then I won't be so worried. Just all the reading I've done you start to hear these horror stories and getting super worried for a first timer. I'd really like to know your results once they have hatched!
I will let you know on the 11th of July...
Hi! I am lucky enough to own a Brinsea Mini Advance, which is fab. However, it only holds seven eggs at any one time. I really want to get a larger incubator but do not want to spend much money. I know everyone says that the words 'cheap' and 'reliable' never occur in the same sentence, but I'm hoping I could get some feedback on this incubator that I found on ebay. Lots of people seem to be successfully using them, so perhaps someone has a view on it? Thank you very much :D :)

Hi! I am lucky enough to own a Brinsea Mini Advance, which is fab. However, it only holds seven eggs at any one time. I really want to get a larger incubator but do not want to spend much money. I know everyone says that the words 'cheap' and 'reliable' never occur in the same sentence, but I'm hoping I could get some feedback on this incubator that I found on ebay. Lots of people seem to be successfully using them, so perhaps someone has a view on it? Thank you very much

I have heard mixed things about these. Cheap for sure, but I would recommend the GQF Hovabator Genesis. Get the Genesis, not the cheaper ones and you will get years of service for under $200. It only holds 42 eggs, but they hatch chicks very well and are a better deal that the Brinseas. I also have an eco 20 and it works well and is more rugged and cleanable, but if you are careful to clean the Genesis and line it with paper towels for the hatch, it is nearly perfect.
Hi! I am lucky enough to own a Brinsea Mini Advance, which is fab. However, it only holds seven eggs at any one time. I really want to get a larger incubator but do not want to spend much money. I know everyone says that the words 'cheap' and 'reliable' never occur in the same sentence, but I'm hoping I could get some feedback on this incubator that I found on ebay. Lots of people seem to be successfully using them, so perhaps someone has a view on it? Thank you very much :D :)


I too have heard mixed things about these. Often they don't give acurate readings and require a lot of babysitting. I'm afraid they are also on the unsafe imported list ~

Have you checked out the incubator shop? They sell cheaper brands but are tested safe ~
They are also most helpful if you give them a call and you have the backup of buying from a trusted source :D

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