The Journal of The Quackers

The First Egg!!!

It happened! It finally happened! One of my ducks laid an egg! Hurrah! I went out this morning as usual. I counted my ducks, Made sure they had food and water, was about to walk out, when there, in a bit of hay that is pushed up by the front of the pen was a perfect, beautiful, white, egg. I gasped and picked it up and brought it inside. I was quite excited and so I set up a towel got some props and shot a bunch a pictures;

Picture Perfect!

I heart duck eggs!

(I wish the ducks would stand this still for pictures...)
I don't know who laid the egg, your guess is as good as mine, but I'm just happy I got first egg. Hopefully the other girls will follow along very soon.

Bye for now!
-The Duck Egg Ladie
Awesome! Is that first egg brown? I didn't know they layed that color. Love the pics with the flowers!
The Toad

So about a week ago I found a toad by the pool where the splashed out water collects, he seemed quite happy. He left later in the day and then today I found him again ( I'm guessing it's the same one ) but this time in the pool. He was still there hours later, but then he left. I think I should name him
, but I'm not sure what. I'll take suggestions!
-The Duck Ladie
P.S. I keep getting eggs from the mystery hen
,but the others haven't started yet... ...C'mon girls! You can do it!
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Go duckies! Are the eggs good? I can't wait for mine to start laying! They need to start earning their keep!
Oooh cool I love toads! He's so cute! Hmm .... you could name him ...... Sir George, or William, or Sherman, or ...... Ormond, or Sherrinford.

Let us know what you name him! Oh, and let us know when you find out who that egg-layer is!
Go duckies! Are the eggs good? I can't wait for mine to start laying! They need to start earning their keep!
Oooh cool I love toads! He's so cute! Hmm .... you could name him ...... Sir George, or William, or Sherman, or ...... Ormond, or Sherrinford.

Let us know what you name him! Oh, and let us know when you find out who that egg-layer is!
Sherman! Perfect!
Ooo I love hearing toads and frogs, as they are a sign of a healthy ecosystem. We used to hear one every night, croaking somewhere amidst the reeds. I named him Mr Toad. I'd like to say I named him after Mr Toad's Wild Ride but, as is evident by my own ducks names, I'm just really bad at names.
Ooo I love hearing toads and frogs, as they are a sign of a healthy ecosystem. We used to hear one every night, croaking somewhere amidst the reeds. I named him Mr Toad. I'd like to say I named him after Mr Toad's Wild Ride but, as is evident by my own ducks names, I'm just really bad at names.

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