The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

Welcome!  You are going to love them!  I raised all of mine indoors until they were big enough to go outside.  They are imprinted on people so they like to be near you.  The more time you spend with them, the tamer they will be when they grow up.  

I kept mine in different sized Rubbermade containers but there are other brooder ideas in the "learning center" under "other poultry" (as well as other good info).  Know that they love water and will make a mess!  Some people make waterers that they can only get their heads into to cut down on the mess.  I always kept my waterer over a small pan of shavings to try to keep the rest of the brooder dry.  Plan on going through a lot of bedding (I used pine shavings).  

Mine learned to swim in shallow Rubbermade containers set on towels with two by fours for steps and a brick in the water to rest on (note:  they must be supervised when swimming when they are little).  I know others have let theirs spend time in the bathtub.  They love to eat while swimming so a little lettuce in the water will make them very happy.

It would be a good idea to start them out getting Brewer's yeast (not bread yeast).  You can buy it at healthy food stores like Whole Foods or Sprouts.  You just sprinkle a tablespoon of it on their food.  It will supply them with the extra Niacin they need, which is not in most starter, without it they have leg and nervous system problems.

I really like the book, "Duck Eggs Daily" by Lisa Steele, when I was starting out.  She had a lots of good ideas and information.  I hope this helps, I am sure there is a lot I am leaving out.

Thanks I have them in a huge cage right now but will try rubbermade container , got starter feed and vitamins for their water so fair anymore recommendations also where they are at it is 60-70 degrees should I still use heat lamp
Thanks I have them in a huge cage right now but will try rubbermade container , got starter feed and vitamins for their water so fair anymore recommendations also where they are at it is 60-70 degrees should I still use heat lamp

How old are they?
If less than a week then yes they will need a heat lamp for sure.
No id say about 2 weeks old now I still have heat lamp on them now though

Okay well maybe just try it and see how they act.... my 2 week old ducklings still seem to prefer around 70-75ish
But have no problem running around the whole coop even where its much cooler, but they still sleep fairly close to the heat lamp.
Thanks I have them in a huge cage right now but will try rubbermade container , got starter feed and vitamins for their water so fair anymore recommendations also where they are at it is 60-70 degrees should I still use heat lamp

If they are two weeks the bigger the cage the better! Like everyone else, I would still give them the heat lamp but make sure they can't jump and peck it. Mine exploded two bulbs before I figured out how it was happening. They still need extra Niacin!

We like pictures if you have a chance! :D
Thanks yeah they are crazy little guys lol

Here is 2 out of 3 of my khaki campbells. The sweetest things. They want to be on my lap or as close as possible.
Cant wait to find out if they are girls or boys! Will be 3 weeks tomorow
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