The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

Thanks yeah they are crazy little guys lol

Here is 2 out of 3 of my khaki campbells. The sweetest things. They want to be on my lap or as close as possible.
Cant wait to find out if they are girls or boys! Will be 3 weeks tomorow

Very sweet! I miss having baby ducks. Love the pictures!
We currently have 4 KC hens that are all broody - only 1 will leave the nest at a time, while the other 3 sit on the eggs. We pulled 6 eggs, candeled them for viability & then put them in the incubator. 3 have hatched & I am wondering if I put them back with the broody hens if they will take care of them. Worried as I keep reading KC's aren't good mothers. Any advice or experience with this is greatly appreciated.
They are growing so fast!  Still very cute!

Oh my goddddd!!!! I think this 'teenage stage' is so cute and their little chicken wings are hilarious!!!!

This was rascal as a teen! They used to lay on my knee on a towel every evening and sleep, whilst I watched a film

Your photos make me want more this year
I could easily turn into a mad duck lady x

Aww so precious!!

Yes! I love their teenage stage, they're half way feathered out and they make partial quacks

Yeah their wings are so funny, especially when they stand up and flap them after a swim

Yeah it seems they grow a little bigger each minute
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Well since they need feed available 24-7 i would leave their food in bowls.
But i do hand feed treats . It helps with taming and bonding
I feed dried mealworms, oatmeal. And peas

So i have to ask the khaki experts.... is there any chance the color of the tip of their bills at this age- 3 weeks yesterday--- has anything to do with if they are boy or girl?
I have two that look like the one on the right... and the one with pink at the end.
Im guessing it doesnt or someone would already be talking about it.
But curious lol.
One of the ones with the solid color beak is already starting little bit of honky girl sounds.
Others have tried to sex Khaki's by their bean color (the tip of their bills), Here is one of my baby pictures, male on left, female on right. I don't see much of a difference but maybe??? I still think the size and shape of the head is a give away.
Thanks for the pic. And your right your two didnt look much different. I kinda figured it would be too easy lol. I only have a few more weeks till i will hear obvious voice difference. I cant wait lol!!

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