The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

Sampson & Butterscotch, enjoying the flowers.
does any one have a KC that likes to play king of the hill or in this case brush pile. this is pipin. He has been obsessed with getting on things he is so cute.
I have read around and haven't found a real answer so I will ask here. About what age can you tell a female from a male KC? I have 3 that I picked up at TSC about a month ago and I was wondering how soon I should be able to tell their sex.
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So I'm a first timer and I have some babies about a week and a half old. One is a pekin, and the other is supposed to be a kc...but he does not look like the pictures you guys have posted. He is black with yellow tips on his itty bitty wings. I got them at tractor supply. any ideas? whatever they are. they are still adorable!!

Also as far as sexing.... Is one or the other sex typically more affectionate or loveable? So far the pekin seems to like to be held and loved on more than the other. and the black one is smaller too.
Also my 3 yr old daughter named them lol. So the pekin is sunshine and we refer to her as she and the black one is squeak and he's the he. lol I know you cant tell yet.

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