The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

Well just brought home these 3 :)
I have female runner ducklings on order to arrive wednesday. And couldnt help myself! I wanted either a couple khakis or welsh harlequins but both were sold out for the week i wanted my runners. And tractor supply had a bunch of these . Hoping for at least one girl. Since we wont be keeping any drakes. I have heard what fantastic layers khakis are!
Will get better pics once they warm up and are done resting. We had an hour drive home from tractor supply , and they peeped most the way.
Here are new pics of the 3. They are doing great . Love swimming. And are very active.



I'm in love

My khaki was always more active than my Aylsbury and more oblivious to what was going on around her. She LOVES cuddles too which my Aylsbury isn't so keen on! I wish they didn't poo and that I could have them as house pets! X

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