The Legbar Thread!

I have thought a lot about the problems as USPS and they are really in a precarious position. Congress wants them to act like a real business yet will not allow them to make business decisions and frankly a number of lawmakers would just as soon privatize the whole thing. If that happens you can say good bye to more than just Saturday service--any route not profitable (try all rural routes and routes in the fly-over states) will be next on the chopping block. Remember they receive $0 from the government to operate.

The US has 5% of the worlds population and the USPS carries 40% of the world's mail (that's 160,000,000,000 pieces of mail a year) over the largest geographical area and the largest number postal addresses in the world. You can mail a letter from rural Maine all the way to Hawaii for $0.46. It should be more to cover costs but the USPS will have to go to Congress to get even a one cent increase in cost. What kind of system has a business manager have to go to an overseer (who can't even get their own budget in the black) who doesn't think they should exist to get permission to make necessary business decisions?

USPS has been mandated to prefund all of the employee benefits for the future employees (other agencies do not have to do this). Why??--is Congress requiring this so that when they privatize the employees will be pre-funded?

I suggest that when everyone contacts their congressmen about this one rate hike, they may also reflect on a world where there is no USPS and only UPS and FedEX and rate hikes are not passed through for the public to comment on as they are now. Imperfect as they are, I personally would like to see the USPS continue on as an entity and I will be emphasizing that to my Congressman--- I do not want to USPS to stop delivery of all mail by privatizing them. Sorry for the soapbox and, no, I have no relatives that work there.

ETA: thanks for the link! When I clicked over they are undergoing system maintenance until 9pm tonight so I'll have to remember to do it tomorrow.
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Very well thought through. Thanks for your comments. I agree with you.

The direct e-mail info is:

Email comments, containing the name and address of the commenter, may be sent to: [email protected], with a subject line of “Live Animals.”
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Thanks chickat! I'll post pics if my CLBs camera is on the fritz
Maybe this pic will add some perspective: D

I work for the USPS....I knew they were asking for a rate change...but not for chicks too! I definitely think a lot of carriers need more education on how to properly handle chicks and hatching eggs though...most carriers simply don't have any animal knowledge at all. A girl I work with was shocked to learn that hens lay eggs without a roo!
Thanks chickat! I'll post pics if my CLBs camera is on the fritz
Maybe this pic will add some perspective: D
Sorry... Best I have at the moment. They are 'cute as a button'... Chinese painted 'button' quail. About the size of a bottle cap:).... Working on my camera hopefully I can get some pics before they start laying in 8 weeks...yeah I'm spoiled 22 weeks is soo long.

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