The Middle Tennessee Thread

I like the guineas cause I live in the woods and spend way to much every year to kill the crazy bugs we have lol. I love Bantam Roos our last one was samsonite and well he had little man syndrome. I am a pretty big guy and he could care less he would try and come after me every day for a good flog or two. But he looked after his girls and kept them safe . the neighbors dog got ahold of him. I hate that beagle with a passion.
50% English, Black Split to Lavender Orpington Hatching Eggs!
I currently have 18 eggs from my Lavender Orpington hens that are bred to my 100% English Black Orpington rooster! I will ship these out either Monday, March 3rd or Tuesday March 4th.
I will offer the 18 eggs I have now, plus whatever the hens lay between now and the shipping day! For $135 that includes shipping!
I can ship, I can also add a 72 hr. heat pack for $5 to keep the eggs from getting too cold!

NPIP # 63-460
Please contact me ASAP!
E-mail: [email protected]
The parents are pictured below

o no! That sounds bad, I was wanting to find a sale around here but seems there are none, maybe that is a good thing tho?


There is going to be a poultry show in April in Dickson. There should be a chance to see and buy some very fine birds there.

Not sure where to put this post on this site, but this looks like a good place:

Looking for small "farmy"-type house/small cottage to rent in the Murfreesboro area that has pretty private land for a coop.

I live in Fort Lauderdale and can't take the tropical heat any longer. We barely had a winter here. Also tired of the crowded roads/tourists/tropical storms. My new joke is: South Florida has only 2 seasons: Tourist & Hurricane.

I know it's gets cold in TN but I grew up in CT. I know most people would kill to live in Florida but after 30 years, I'm over it.

I mentioned a "farmy"-type living space because I have a rooster and one, maybe 2 hens that will be joining me.

I should probably give you a bit of history as to why I have a rooster:

Over 4 years ago, I rescued 2 baby chicks from being live snake food and the rest as they say is history. Those chicks both turned out to be roosters, who unfortunately have passed away.

But I have Lucky my rooster, who was rescued after his whole family was killed by a predator. I sort-of became his Mother from day one. He is now 3 1/2 years old.

Probably only a die-hard animal lover would understand why I would save a "food-animal" and care for him. But Lucky is cool, he knows his name, comes when called(most of the time). I put him up to roost every night. Some nights he lowers his comb to touch my forehead. It's pretty cool. I pet him like one would a cat and he relaxes and goes to sleep.

Other times I carry him around and he falls asleep in my arms. A photo of me and Lucky was voted on and chosen for a Chicken Rescue Calendar in 2012(we were March). I've also been interviewed by a public radio station about my experiences with Lucky and raising him.

We may be featured in a pet magazine, just waiting for that to come together.

I call Lucky the "thousand dollar" rooster because I've spent that much or more for his upkeep/vet bills,etc.(He has continuous bumblefoot).

Soooo, I'm just looking for a small place for myself that has enough land for a coop where houses are not on top of one another like here in Fort Lauderdale.

I'm 52 years old, don't smoke/drink, do drugs, have good credit and can provide references as I have rented my whole life and am proud to say, I have not been late with the rent, not once! My income travels with me. I have also done dogsitting and housesitting for people. I'm just looking to move into a cooler, more rural atmosphere. Maybe where I can even have a small garden and grow my own vegetables.

If you have something like what I mentioned available, fantastic! If you don't but know someone who might, please forward this ad along to them. Or maybe even guide me as to where I can look for such a residence. Googling and Craigslist have not been very successful.

I mention the Murfreesboro area because I have a friend in Clarksville and one in Smithville so I would be kind-of in the middle of them. Also don't want to drive really,really far to get to a store(I love my Walgreens) or to the gym(52 years old and I can still "pop" my pecs! LOL!.

I'm also open to a "rent-to-own" if I felt the place was perfect for me. Also open to leasing a small closed-down nursery. My Lucky is in a place now that was once a nursery. So it is convenient with screened-in areas, etc. And also it is zoned commercial so they don't have animal complaints.

Any help, anyone can give would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks very much.

P.S. Easiest to contact me at [email protected].


Hey! Welcome! Sorry that it took so long to say Hi! I am north of Nashville so I don't know first hand what farms are up for rent in the Murfreesboro area but I know in general that the area generally has some for rent. Local real estate agents might be your first stop. You also might ask the Ag county extension office if they know of farms for rent.

Their is another Floridian moving here to my town (Millersville). She and her husband should be here for good in March. We are going to make a joint excursion to Donna Rippy's place for chickens/eggs! There is going to be a big poultry show in Dickson county (west of Nashville) in April and many of the Mid TN BYCers are going to get together at this, many of us meeting for the first time face to face. Look forward to seeing you there!

Middle TN!

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