The Middle Tennessee Thread

Whoa, they put our co-op to shame! Ours has two bins and maybe 3 selections at a time. Last year, they had turkens and my kids just laughed and laughed looking at the "baby emus" but generally they get the more common breeds. They do, at least, buy sexed pullets because (as the chicken lady there said) that's what most of their customers ask for. And, they do give them a hiding place to decrease bin stress which I think is awesome. It's a plastic crate of some sort.
They do ours here in Manchester, too! You can't beat the prices for the selection, really, and the chicks all looked good, from what I could see. I'm so glad we decided to stop on the way home. I've been wanting some SS forever!
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At the Hendersonville Tractor Supply they have a ton of options:

Barred Rocks
Cornish Rocks
Rhode Island Red
Silver Laced Wyandotte
White Leghorn
Columbian Rocks

Best selection I've seen there than the past years.
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Who need s a co-op???? I have 160 eggs in the hatcher and chicks hatching today... tomorrow and maybe sunday since I kept adding eggs LOL.
That was directed to GardenWren LOL.  Are you getting chicks from me?  I have several people that are texting me and I don't have names on the texts just numbers.
Yes ma'am. Just waiting to hear back on what hatched before I do my happy chick dance.
That was directed to GardenWren LOL.  Are you getting chicks from me?  I have several people that are texting me and I don't have names on the texts just numbers.

Chicken stalkers?

So I went to Bonnie's and got 2 EEs at random again. One is a silver chipmunk and the other is yellow with very diluted chipmunk markings. The last silver chipmunk I got from them ended up looking like a pure silver female. I recently lost her and she was a favorite so hoping for serendipity. The yellow one? No clue what she's going to look like but curious to see. Really full face fluff on this one.

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