The Middle Tennessee Thread

It is slow on here around spring time . Mega hatches :thnow goats to tend:th . Six new weaned does from Manchester Friday night . Incubator on loan to my DIL's special needs class. Which came with a million questions . Several trips to the school and now trying to I.D. chicks through email . I gave them some mixed eggs as well as pure breeds . Incubator brooder box and candler still there . Just got a call from her to respond to email pictures . Who doesn't feel a little guilty being on line, when there is so much work that needs doing this time of year .:idunno But isn't it great to be alive and be in Tennessee on a beautiful day like this . :celebrate:frow Frist post on BYC for me in a month I think :idunno
It is slow on here around spring time . Mega hatches :thnow goats to tend:th . Six new weaned does from Manchester Friday night . Incubator on loan to my DIL's special needs class. Which came with a million questions . Several trips to the school and now trying to I.D. chicks through email . I gave them some mixed eggs as well as pure breeds . Incubator brooder box and candler still there . Just got a call from her to respond to email pictures . Who doesn't feel a little guilty being on line, when there is so much work that needs doing this time of year .:idunno But isn't it great to be alive and be in Tennessee on a beautiful day like this . :celebrate:frow Frist post on BYC for me in a month I think :idunno
X2.... This evening I've decided to shuck all adult responsibilities and just enjoy chicken people and the beautiful evening.
X2.... This evening I've decided to shuck all adult responsibilities and just enjoy chicken people and the beautiful evening.
Worked all day on the grow out cleaning :thGot most of the fresh sand in. Just before dark. Then felt like loafing . Tackled my new camera .After years of wanting a new camera I got one and realized I'm old . I have to start all over learning to take pictures . I knew I was in trouble when the instructions said I needed to download a app. And then I needed to link the camera up with a smart phone :idunno. Don't got one I got a flip phone . Camera got more buttons than my lap top .:thI figured out how to use three of them . :lauAnd that's how I've spent my evening .
Does anyone know of a source for fish meal, crab meal, and kelp meal (livestock feed grade, not the fertilizer grade) in the middle TN area? Thanks!

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