THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

Please Cross your fingers for me everyone. I candled tonight and had to remove a couple eggs, others I can't see through well but judging by the shadow they seem to be developing on time. However I do have 1 white egg in there. The father is a Silkie x RIR rooster, the hen is either a Silver laced Polish or an Appen. Spitz. I have been trying for 3 hatches to hatch one of these white eggs, All have died before 1 week. This one is over week and hopping and bopping all around in its shell. I lost a lot of eggs reciently due to a temp spike of almost 104 degrees for an unknown amount of time(it was overnight) Somewhere between 8pm and 8am. This one survived!
Today is Day 9 for most of you.

Good luck with all of your eggs! I ended up with eight little fuzzy-butt German New Hampshires. I'll leave the last two eggs in for a while, but I think that's a wrap!
Don't these guys make a punk-ish little trio?
Hi all! So about 2 hours after I submitted my video for americas most desperate landscape, I got an email back saying they like us and need more photos and for us to sign a video and photo release! I'm sooo excited and hopeful. I think the better ratings I get on my submission the better my chances are. Soooo....if you don't mind. Its not a forum or really a contest. But here's the link. 5 stars is better, meaning its more desperate. If you don't mind just giving me a 5 star that would be awesome. If not..thats cool too. You don't have to register or anything.

On another note. I had two ameracaunas hatch out from the easter hatch. I was told they're pure, which if they aren't that is fine, I'm simply curious. But its suddenly sprouting black feathers that stick up on its head. Looks similar to my polish. What do you guys think. He's the gray one in front and the polish is behind.

As much as I'd like to add my own yard, I'll be nice and wait till I'm not renting. LOL

I gave ya 5 and I really hope you make it.
Today is Day 9 for most of you.

Good luck with all of your eggs! I ended up with eight little fuzzy-butt German New Hampshires. I'll leave the last two eggs in for a while, but I think that's a wrap!
Don't these guys make a punk-ish little trio?
Send me a girl!
i need help, i tried incubating 42 eggs, only 18 hatched. i kept the temp at 100 and humidity stays around 40 to 50 degree until lock down and then i raised it to 70%. what am i doing wrong?
My understanding is that this is flexible. If the air cells are not big enough, I continue incubating another day and then lockdown, but I don't increase the humidity until I hear a peep. THen I put in the warm wet sponges. THis is what works for me. If the air cells look good and the temps have been spot on, I stop turning the eggs  with 3 full days to go.  I also set as close to midnight as I can because this day count system messes me up l LOL

Arielle I removed my turner tonight on my 2 batches of eggs due to hatch this weekend and candled all the eggs. They are all developing. Here is a picture of one of the eggs. The air cells are all about this big. Should I have left them in the turner for another day to help the air cell to get a bit larger?

Anyone help please. Thanks

Shoot can't upload the picture. Well the air cell looks like about 14 days instaed of the 18 day size to me. Should I leave them at about 40 percent humidity or lock them down?
Well I decided to candle the eggs in the bator. It looks like out of 40 eggs, there are 25 that show signs of fuzzy butts. There were some that I marked with a dot on the top. I will keep them and see what happens. I have a paper that shows the eggs development day by day and I keep looking at it and it gives me a good idea where we are in development.
I love those chicks, chestnutridge... adorable!

Tomorrow is day six for us! I think the eggs in my bator (ameraucanas and EE's) are pretty much shot after a temp spike to 106....broody eggs are doing well though. All of the serama eggs seem to be fertile and it looks like I got 6 or 7 out of the 11 ameraucana eggs under the hens! I also set a couple silkie eggs that may be pure silkie or possibly surprise chicks... there was a serama roo in there for a while

More pure seramas due next weekend :)
Candled tonight.
Orpingtons day 8
6 look good, one clear, one ring of death.

Ameraucana day 3?
I think 5 may be developing, one clear,
one I can't see through the shell.

Got more eggs in the mail
Appen. Spitz. , mottled Jave, Cream legbar. :D

This is addicting.
Ok just candled

BBS Marans so hard to see in those!! But I know I saw movement in 2 and I think there are blobs in all..... But I can't see a thing so I guess I'll find out in 17 days :p there are 11 in the incubator.

Silkies 14 growing 1 blood ring and 8 blanks.......

I have 4 eggs under my broody..... No idea when I'll have time to candle those..... Maybe I'll just see what happens on hatch day.

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