The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

So sorry :( Amazing she was able to protect her chicks.

Find a good book and relax? :D . I think I have read that some chicks take longer to hatch. I wouldn't give up on her yet.

What I'm asking is:
[COLOR=FF0000]IF she abandons the nest, and there are still viable eggs, does anyone have any ideas on how to finish brooding them WITHOUT AN INCUBATOR?[/COLOR]

Most folks just nab the viable eggs and put them in their incubator.  I don't have one.  So...  [COLOR=FF0000]ANY THOUGHTS ON HOW TO BRING THEM TO HATCH WITHOUT AN INCUBATOR if needed?[/COLOR]

Sorry was just trying to be funny since I knew you were anxious about this hatch :(
Find a good book and relax? :D . I think I have read that some chicks take longer to hatch. I wouldn't give up on her yet.

What I'm asking is:
[COLOR=FF0000]IF she abandons the nest, and there are still viable eggs, does anyone have any ideas on how to finish brooding them WITHOUT AN INCUBATOR?[/COLOR]

Most folks just nab the viable eggs and put them in their incubator.  I don't have one.  So...  [COLOR=FF0000]ANY THOUGHTS ON HOW TO BRING THEM TO HATCH WITHOUT AN INCUBATOR if needed?[/COLOR]

Sorry was just trying to be funny since I knew you were anxious about this hatch :(

It WAS funny!  :D  

I didn't take it bad at all.  Just wanted to be sure folks understood what I was saying :D

Phew ok :) I guess you can add broody hen hatching watcher to your poop watcher list lol
My girls went on a three day strike do to heat I thought. Come to find out the juvenile roo's where keeping them out of the coop what should I do with these
My girls went on a three day strike do to heat I thought. Come to find out the juvenile roo's where keeping them out of the coop what should I do with these
MMM... Omelet du fromage', Lemon merengue pie! ! It was only 3 days. Unless they were on pavement in Death Valley. :)

Anyone have suggestions
My old dog, we would feed him about one 'ring' from a pineapple, and something in that rendered him uninterested in his fecal matter. Wonder if there's a similar fix for chickens so dogs won't like their stuff? Some people on the fermented feed thread say their dogs don't care for it anymore, others say their dogs will eat it anyway.
My girls went on a three day strike do to heat I thought. Come to find out the juvenile roo's where keeping them out of the coop what should I do with these

MMM... Omelet du fromage', Lemon merengue pie! ! It was only 3 days. Unless they were on pavement in Death Valley. :)

Anyone have suggestions
My old dog, we would feed him about one 'ring' from a pineapple, and something in that rendered him uninterested in his fecal matter. Wonder if there's a similar fix for chickens so dogs won't like their stuff? Some people on the fermented feed thread say their dogs don't care for it anymore, others say their dogs will eat it anyway.
My dogs eat the poop no matter what they are fed. Mine are on FF
My girls went on a three day strike do to heat I thought. Come to find out the juvenile roo's where keeping them out of the coop what should I do with these

three days in the heat I would not eat them personally or use them in cooking...however i would give them back to the chickens/dogs/pigs..etc. Take a nice pot of boiling water and toss them in. Feed out a few a and all..just smash before service.

Beautiful basket of eggs..
Beautiful basket of eggs and I would feed them back to my girls.

Poor Red looks worse with her molting. I've been giving them all extra meat protein in the hopes she would feather in faster. You pet her feathers and you can feel and see her feathers are coming in just seems like forever. At least with the heat she will be cooler :) Finally getting some much needed rain. Any one have any other suggestions?

So since I cut the girls back to nighttime only feeding I see them out more. WEll that's unless they hear a door open then they all run for the coop door to see if we are headed their way. Today I spent a half hour watching Stella & Edie chase bugs all over the yard. One thing is for sure they are getting more exercise trying to catch bugs :)

I've been covering the bottom of their 2 food troughs. It's literally gone in 5 minutes. So I add a little more. That usually is half eaten but def gone by the morning. Do you guys think I am feeding them enough? I always thought that if at least a little is left you have fed them enough.

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