The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

But just for sport and because boys will be boys, when we did move it around the yard, our oldest and sometime my DH would chase the chickens with the flying owl on a stick. I'm sure there will be those who find it wrong, but it was funny as all get out to watch and it made herding the chickens so much faster.
Learning how to process a chicken that is done laying can be a good learning experience as well. It can get quite detailed too, with knowing all of the different parts and how to tell if everything is healthy. Much better than dissecting a frog, as should you choose to, you can make stew.
thanks. yes, I know.... maybe someday.... but not now. I really have no desire. I do have the desire to know what goes into my meat so in that sense it is appealing...however we have raised livestock my entire life to eat-- the older I get, the harder it is. If one of my kids said to me-- "hey mom... let's not eat meat!" I would probably agree!!
yeah, yeah, yeah we can get into the circle of life and over-population and more and more and more.... it is just "for"' some people and not "for" others and right now it isn't "for" me. I admire those that do it though-- Kudos!

EDIT-- if I were to process chickens-- I would just buy some meat birds and then process them... I am not into "stew"-- of any sort really....
Last edited:'s a BirdX. Their web site has some really interesting stuff on it. Including electric shock tape to put on various things.

I actually emailed them (they won't get it until tomorrow) to ask some questions about what they would recommend for hawks in a backyard situation. I'll be interested to hear if they come up w/anything creative.
I think I'm going to get a pet owl and tether it on a large perch outside in the yard.

It will be tormented by so many chickens in so close of reach but I don't care. I'm going to torment an owl to torment a hawk.

"She swallowed the goat to eat the dog, she swallowed the dog to eat the cat, she swallowed the cat to eat the bird, she swallowed the bird to eat the spider, she swallowed the spider to eat the fly, but I don't know why she swallowed that fly....................."

Your post just made me think of that old song, hadn't thought of that in years.

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