The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

I just got a dozen chicks that a friend of mine hatched for me.
They're a mixed bunch, but they're mostly white or light yellow or light red, and all but one or two have black spots on them.
One, however, is chipmunk color. Can anyone tell me what coloration I can expect in this cockerel when he feathers out. He is from a white Leghorn hen's egg and the roo is white Leghorn x GLW.
I just got a dozen chicks that a friend of mine hatched for me.
They're a mixed bunch, but they're mostly white or light yellow or light red, and all but one or two have black spots on them.
One, however, is chipmunk color. Can anyone tell me what coloration I can expect in this cockerel when he feathers out. He is from a white Leghorn hen's egg and the roo is white Leghorn x GLW.
How do you know it's a cockerel?

No one can tell you. So many chicks are chipmunk when they hatch. Partridge anything, silver pencilled anything, Easter Eggers (very wide colouration outcome), etc...
I just got a dozen chicks that a friend of mine hatched for me.
They're a mixed bunch, but they're mostly white or light yellow or light red, and all but one or two have black spots on them.
One, however, is chipmunk color. Can anyone tell me what coloration I can expect in this cockerel when he feathers out. He is from a white Leghorn hen's egg and the roo is white Leghorn x GLW.
The old wives tale for the HRIR is that the chipmunk stripes mean hen.
Being 75% white leghorn, I would expect some white and a somewhat floppy comb not rose.
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I feed fermented feeds and use medications only when absolutely necessary.
So....when is it absolutely necessary to feed them?


(Sorry....just struck me funny. Must be in one of those moods.)
I am close to locking down for my next hatch. I am going to have trouble fitting that many eggs into two incubators.. :S

Yes there are that many.. I have 79 of them pre-sold. I have maybe 120 eggs. I'm hoping it all works out well!
How do you know it's a cockerel?

No one can tell you. So many chicks are chipmunk when they hatch. Partridge anything, silver pencilled anything, Easter Eggers (very wide colouration outcome), etc... 

I feather sexed them. But then I remembered that the chipmunk one and one or two off the light ones hatched significantly later than the others.
Tonight, two were inconclusive and it looked like I have seven pullets.
I think tomorrow night will yield the most accurate results.
Okay. We did a "hair cut".

At first I was only going to take a bit from the front like Karen described. Did that and put the rest in a rubber band. But went out again a second time and it looked like the rubber band thing just wasn't going to do it so I got drastic.

She's probably going to have to get used to the top of her head being colder than usual.



Surprise! There really is a bird in there.

She is definitely a "camo-kid".

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