The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

Quote: Agree, I've been trying to find some too. I've been directed to a couple of breeders, Dan Honour and .. darn it ... Mark someone ... one of whom does not have them any longer and the other I have yet to contact. Have since taken on other projects requiring putting RC Leghorns of any color on the back burner for now, but sure would love to find them. Ordered chicks from Duane Urch last year but he had no Leghorns at all laying. Very disappointing, but oh well, it is what it is. I think Frank Reese has some Rose Comb Med breeds, not sure if Leghorn is one, but pretty sure he has RC Minorcas, you might try checking with him.

have you tried sandhilll preservation center? I think they've got em.
I had not, thanks!
Thanks re: RLBL. I'd like to have some to put into my Northern Barn Yard Mix breeding program. Just want to play around with a bunch of RC and PC birds for the fun of it to come up with a hardy mixed breed that will excel in my area.

you know, I really like the sound of " Northern Barn Yard Mix " breeding program. might be what I end up with since I'm balking at paying $100 for a sulmtaler rooster.

Delisah, thanks for your sympathy on my old hen. One of her flockmates, an EE, is still with me and still laying too! She'll be 5 in April. thats the oldest I've had a hen.

Thought I'ld wake up to snow, like Leah's mom, but now it is supposed to start in a couple of hours. glad for the break because I have a couple hundred pounds of feed to move from the truck to the run, and it will be easier before the snow gets here. 4-7 inches, but I don't care, because it hasn't been -20 for almost a week!

Kass, this is my NN x Houdan. :)

Cool, can't wait to see what she feathers out as, I have never had a NN/houdan chick so yellow all over. (just assuming she based on the nostrils, but they don't look houdany so maybe she didn't get the nostrils) I see the extra toe on the far leg, does she have it on the near leg too? Mine w/ the extra toe on both legs was killed in the massacre. I still have the genetics though (two hens w/ one foot each) so who knows what I'll be able to hatch.

I just love the bearded NN's
Cool, can't wait to see what she feathers out as, I have never had a NN/houdan chick so yellow all over. (just assuming she based on the nostrils, but they don't look houdany so maybe she didn't get the nostrils) I see the extra toe on the far leg, does she have it on the near leg too? Mine w/ the extra toe on both legs was killed in the massacre. I still have the genetics though (two hens w/ one foot each) so who knows what I'll be able to hatch.

I just love the bearded NN's
My NN male is pure for dominant white. He threw ALL white chicks (some with black dots and some all white). I know for sure they were all from my Houdan girls, as they are the only white eggs I get.. Obviously when they popped out with NNs it was simple to point fingers at the father ;)

Most have 5 toes. Some have 4.

OMG the beards kill me!!
I found a possibility for all of the breeds I can use from Duane Urch. Hoping to get contact with him this week. I'm looking at Silver Pencil Wyandotte, Dominique, and Lt Brown RC leghorn. That should provide a fun gene pool to work with. I have EE and RIR to add to the mix.

Sand hill would also be a possibility, but I think they are too rich for my blood.

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