The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

Hi all from the resident long time lurker.

I am planning a new run enclosure for my chickens to protect them during the day when I am at work. I am thinking of the following dimensions and wondered if it would be big enough for 11 birds.
Wide = 3.5m or 11ft 551⁄64in
Length = 7m or 22ft 1119⁄32in
Height = 2m or 6ft 647⁄64in
Can anybody advise me if this would be big enough? Many thanks
That is a very nice size for 11 birds :)

22 square feet each? Yep. Good job!
Probably need a video of that!

Just went outside to see 2 of the largest hawks that I have ever seen in person. Circling over the hen shed area and about 10 crows circling around yelling at them.

They didn't actually leave the area until I went outside and started walking that way.

Since it's winter, my birds are stuck in the kennel run that has the netting over it. But if they hadn't been...those hawks were larger than the chickens in weight (except maybe the rooster) by at least 3-5 lbs by the looks of them.

I wonder if the crows would have "protected" the chickens if they had been out ranging around?

So earlier I was thinking I should get a livestock guardian owl to keep the hawks away. Now I'm thinking maybe a flock of livestock guardian crows.

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Oh...and those stupid hawks are nesting down the road about 1 mile in wooded area near a subdivision.

At least they aren't nesting in our woods.... (Although they would probably be easier to deter if they were.)
Me too, but guess what...... he went with Justine's answer
My dream is to have a farm full of chickens - guess that is chicken math out of control!!!

Sorry tried to multi quote in reply to Lazy Gardener and Leah's Mom answers but did not work.
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Alibabe: if hubby is saying that the run is too small... I'd listen to him... and I'd follow that up with a conversation with him... encouraging him to decide that the coop needs to be bigger too. If my hubby so much as suggested that anything related to my "farming" was too small, I'd take it and run with it so very fast that he'd wonder if a tornado just passed through!

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