The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

Booster comb update
Today, some of the dead tips of booster's comb fell off, leaving a totally healed comb underneath. Still has some dead stuff to fall off. I had trouble getting a close up, this was the best I could do - here he is with his sulmtaler hens.

For comparison, here is how he looked before:

now even though this little dickens is a bit agressive, I'm feeling sad that I'm gonna have to cull him in a month or so when that sulmtaler rooster from missouri arrives. I am a bit attached to the little jerk. (trying to call him names to toughen myself up here)
Thanks for the frostbite update!

What if the new rooster has a bad attitude? Are you keeping Booster until you determine if you like the new guy or just being done with him?
Wow Lala he looks great. Are the tips growing back as well? They look like they are just that they are not as big as before. I have watching Lucy's toes. Still white and a little swollen even with the 56 degrees today. Part of the problem is she still insists in standing in the food dish to eat even tho I moved it into smaller heated bowl :/

Red ridge. Did you drill holes into your heated dish? I saw the picture and it looks like it. I've been keeping my eyes posted for something to use to make a cover like the picture you showed. Just trying to figure out how it will work with the big dish since its so deep
Thanks for the frostbite update!

What if the new rooster has a bad attitude? Are you keeping Booster until you determine if you like the new guy or just being done with him?

dang. I didn't think of that. I am planning on expanding the run anyway this spring, and making a quarantine pen for the new rooster, so I guess I could switch them out. Something to think about!
Wow Lala he looks great. Are the tips growing back as well? They look like they are just that they are not as big as before. I have watching Lucy's toes. Still white and a little swollen even with the 56 degrees today. Part of the problem is she still insists in standing in the food dish to eat even tho I moved it into smaller heated bowl

Red ridge. Did you drill holes into your heated dish? I saw the picture and it looks like it. I've been keeping my eyes posted for something to use to make a cover like the picture you showed. Just trying to figure out how it will work with the big dish since its so deep

the tips don't grow back. He will have a smooth top instead of the really cool peaks he had. I'm a little worried because below zero weather is coming this weekend again, and I don't want him to get frostbit AGAIN. keeping my fingers crossed.
My BCM roo hasn't been himself lately. I open the door and feed them before daylight and shut the door after dark, so I've missed a couple things. I saw that his spurs have grown to 2 in long and they are quite thick. I was surprised. But I also noticed that he has an injury, if you will. I was expecting Bumble foot but it's on the inside where I thought could have been another toe. It's not. I slathered it with antibacterial ointment. Tonight, I'll do the same and by tomorrow night I'll reassess. Does anyone have any other ideas?
Tonight was the 2nd time I slathered his legs with Nustock. I never handle my birds unless I see a problem but Wrinkles loves having his legs messaged. I can feel him relax and he leans into me while I rub the ointment on. I sure hope he doesn't get used to it. It's bad enough that I have to have a 82lb furry dog and 3 cats sitting on me while I watch tv. I haven't noticed a difference in his feet yet nor has he wanted to come outside even today that was nice and sunny. I'll give him a while longer before I start looking further. I haven't noticed anything physical nor has he seemed to have lost any weight but it's possible that his feet hurt to walk.
Sally, I'm guessing the scaly leg isn't causing him problems walking....I am guessing there must be something else going on with him. sorry, and hope I am wrong.
Sadly, I haven't paid the attention to them like I should have. Mom has been taking up so much of my time...thankfully, she is in remission but.... If I see him walking, he walks fine, I saw him with 2 of the girls taking care of business but I am noticing that not many eggs are fertile. He just wants to stay roosting. Last week end I saw him out roosting on the dead wood acting all huffed up. So I'd say yes, he's still acting droopy. Tomorrow I have a few hours off and I'll watch him. Every one else is acting fine, they've even been flying out of the chicken run into the yard. And so it
Any ideas? No new chickens. Actually, nothing's changed in a very long time.
RIP My American Game hen Silver
Sorry for your loss. Did you necropsy her for egg yolk peritonitis? Antibiotics are about the only treatment for this to extend their lives unfortunately. I don't think Nustock will work for that, but I suppose the people on this thread should not ever hear about antibiotics or wormers.
I am sorry to read about everyone having hen and chicken problems..

I am concerned about medical advise about drugs being dispensed on this forum lately.  We are not Vets and it is difficult at best to give suggestion with natural preparations..To give advise to give drugs for animals we do not see is risky.  Not many Vets would do it with many years of experience....there are other forums for drug dispensing..this is a natural forum..I understand sometimes other means are necessary..I hope we do not loose sight of the original intent of this forum (I am also guilty) can we please first suggest a more natural way to treat before we go selling drugs? Please.

Sorry that I came to the "natural" thread but I knew there were knowledgeable people that I've taken advice from before on here :oops: By the time I was able to catch her it was getting too late for natural remedies. I'm a big believer in using as much natural stuff as possible. She was a total freeranger, roosted in the trees, laid an egg almost everyday (for 12-16 days) then as the game hens are famous for would go broody, she was my favorite :(

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