The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

Quote: Well....since you asked...

I don't see any snake poop but they do have coyote pee which it says will repel rats...

But then I wonder if it will draw in coyotes. It'll be the can in the hat all over again. Or the old lady. I know an old lady that swallowed a rat... I know an old lady that swallowed a cat... etc etc. etc...
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Oh... and it says that if you don't know what to get, you can ask the "pee man".
Question for you. First, a picture.

This is the underside of my hen, back between her legs. She has eaten away all the feathers underneath. They are all clipped off, it seems. From the back, her feathers look wet (on the underside, not by her bottom). I've had one hen not laying daily, for a few weeks. She is a hatchery buff orp, a year old in March. I was able to pick her up today. When I turned her over, I saw the feathers are removed, and this area is very red and hot to the touch and swollen. Her feet are a bit puffy and red as well. You can see right between her toes is red, and it's red all up and down the outside of her legs. I don't know that she is the one not laying, but I'm guessing. I had a leathery egg a week or so ago. I actually attributed it to another hen, but it may have been hers. I guess this is egg peritonisis? Is there an easy cure? I won't use drugs, but I hate to lose one so young. She is otherwise acting fine- ranging, eating, full crop. What's your advice? Watch and wait? Cull now? If it is peritonisis, is the meat safe to eat or is she a loss?
I haven't noticed any scratching on the roosts, and she didn't seem to have any bugs on her to explain the feather loss. None of my other girls or boys look ragged at all.
Becca -
-You said she wasn't acting sick or like she's feeling unwell?
-Does she stand in the upright position or just normal like a "gravy boat" position?

-Can you possibly take a good photo of the legs and feet?
Chick pics



Speckled sussex and ss over light brown leghorn. Still two eggs unhatched candled them ss egg looks like a quitter and the ss/leghorn has an internal pip. Stuck them back under the broody and crossing my fingers.
sounds like you need some snake poop.
Forget the snake poop, get a nice big snake!

Question for you. First, a picture.

This is the underside of my hen, back between her legs. She has eaten away all the feathers underneath. They are all clipped off, it seems. From the back, her feathers look wet (on the underside, not by her bottom). I've had one hen not laying daily, for a few weeks. She is a hatchery buff orp, a year old in March. I was able to pick her up today. When I turned her over, I saw the feathers are removed, and this area is very red and hot to the touch and swollen. Her feet are a bit puffy and red as well. You can see right between her toes is red, and it's red all up and down the outside of her legs. I don't know that she is the one not laying, but I'm guessing. I had a leathery egg a week or so ago. I actually attributed it to another hen, but it may have been hers. I guess this is egg peritonisis? Is there an easy cure? I won't use drugs, but I hate to lose one so young. She is otherwise acting fine- ranging, eating, full crop. What's your advice? Watch and wait? Cull now? If it is peritonisis, is the meat safe to eat or is she a loss?
I haven't noticed any scratching on the roosts, and she didn't seem to have any bugs on her to explain the feather loss. None of my other girls or boys look ragged at all.
Looks like a systemic infection, I agree that EYP would be a great guess. She may be pulling feathers in an attempt to alleviate some pain. If EYP was the issue, I'd do an autopsy, but would not eat her. If she's acting fine, you might wait it out. However, the other question to raise is: is she contagious to the rest of the flock?
Question for you. First, a picture. This is the underside of my hen, back between her legs. She has eaten away all the feathers underneath. They are all clipped off, it seems. From the back, her feathers look wet (on the underside, not by her bottom). I've had one hen not laying daily, for a few weeks. She is a hatchery buff orp, a year old in March. I was able to pick her up today. When I turned her over, I saw the feathers are removed, and this area is very red and hot to the touch and swollen. Her feet are a bit puffy and red as well. You can see right between her toes is red, and it's red all up and down the outside of her legs. I don't know that she is the one not laying, but I'm guessing. I had a leathery egg a week or so ago. I actually attributed it to another hen, but it may have been hers. I guess this is egg peritonisis? Is there an easy cure? I won't use drugs, but I hate to lose one so young. She is otherwise acting fine- ranging, eating, full crop. What's your advice? Watch and wait? Cull now? If it is peritonisis, is the meat safe to eat or is she a loss? I haven't noticed any scratching on the roosts, and she didn't seem to have any bugs on her to explain the feather loss. None of my other girls or boys look ragged at all.
Forget the snake poop, get a nice big snake! Looks like a systemic infection, I agree that EYP would be a great guess. She may be pulling feathers in an attempt to alleviate some pain. If EYP was the issue, I'd do an autopsy, but would not eat her. If she's acting fine, you might wait it out. However, the other question to raise is: is she contagious to the rest of the flock?
I already have that, but I don't want the snakes to eat any unauthorized animals. This is a good point. I would bring the hen inside and keep her in a large dog crate so that I could keep an eye on her and see how it plays out. I've heard many speak of a three day rule?

Her comb and around her eyes looks puffy and feels warm.

Her feet. Much pinker between the toes in real life.

Her stance. She was NOT amused with being in the house, and finally tried to make a break for it and send an email for help from my computer. She is acting normal, in general. She has a full crop and normal poop. I watched her eat several times today. She was out ranging with the others. The only thing out of the ordinary was that she squawked when I picked her up just now and beat me with her wings. She obviously did not want to be held, and all of my chickens are very good about being picked up. They have to be, with the 5,4 and 2 year olds who hold them constantly. Plus, they were already roosting, so they are usually even more passive. I've grabbed her off the roost before without any trouble. There seems to be a definite swelling in the bottom of her abdomen and a line of redness. Closer to her thigh is normal skin color and then bright red. It almost looks like she has a sunburn.
As far as contagious goes- I noticed the floppy back feathers yesterday or the day before, hubby noticed them before that. He isn't the chicken person, so he didn't really make a note of when it was. If she is contagious, they all will have whatever it is.
My only other thought would be maybe a spider bite? I didn't see any obvious bites, but she wasn't real happy with us poking her.
I put her back in the coop for the night. I'll watch her some more tomorrow. My hubby and I are saddened that she may be our first cull. This is Queenie, so named because that is the way she has always acted. As a chick, she was always first in line for everything, pushing everyone else around. I don't think she's head hen, I don't actually know who is, but she is up there. She comes when called very quickly. Some are in it for the food, but she just wants to see what's going on, what we are up to.

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