The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

Do you have a heating pad you can give them?  One that does not automatically turn off after two hours?  If you did, then you could move them out to the coop if you build them a little pen just for them.  After they get used to being out there and the big birds are used to seeing them out there, you could make an opening in their pen that only they can fit through.  That way they could get away from everybody if they wanted and be able to warm up too.  If they're a couple weeks old, they probably have lots of feathers by now and can regulate when they need to warm up on their own.  That will take a lot of the work out of it for you.

Regarding your roosters, if you don't want to grow them out for food, I'd get the job done ASAP because the longer you have them, the more you will like them and that just makes it harder on you.  My husband has weaseled completely out of it on me!  I  have to do it all by myself.  It's not fun to cull the birds but it is a necessary part of raising/having them.


I had thought of one of those microwave heat pads for pets but someone mentioned they might be too hot. I don't have one of those or a heating electricity in the coop. I may get one of each and see what I can do. I have outlets on the porch so I will need to think. I have some kind of chest congestion/cough/yuck so thinking is not easy right now. I could get them from Amazon in a couple of days.

Yes! You are so right about the roosters. I found myself yesterday looking at some of them and wondering if they could stay. I did find a family friend who said he would help. I want to be able to use them for bone broth.....but it is gonna be hard. I did not name these five......that actually does help a bit. One of them is a pullet...but I think she might be picked on and lonely if her buddies are gone. Two of the roos are younger and I want to wait until I'm certain they are both guys.... I'm pretty sure now.
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Ok....after feeding everyone I've been sitting here thinking (ruh roh). My plan is this. .....over the next ten days I will get a heating pad and begin weaning the babies from the light. I will take them outside as much as possible to adapt them to the temps. By the 24th they will be one month old. I will then try leaving them overnight in the coop with their heat source. I can put them in after the others are asleep and be out there early the next morning to check on them. The last two chicks were left by the broody at four weeks... in the midst of the snowy weather! I did have to catch them a few times to get them in the coop...but they did good....the weather will be much better for these chicks. I will then leave them in the coop two or three days so they know where home is and then see how they fit into the flock. The time frame will be adjusted if the weather does not cooperate. And I can continue the heating pad for a while if needed. I will get them used to the dark at night during the next week. This should work out with the space in their tote as they are outgrowing it as I speak. Do you all see any major flaws? Or minor?
only flaw I see if you mean to put them in the large group, adding them after the large group is asleep. They don't have a broody mama to protect them from the other hens, who will likely see them as intruders and go after them. I don't mean a few pecks, I mean serious injuries or worse. Not all chickens will attack them, but some will, and there always seems to be a few in each flock that are the self appointed guardians who will really really go after the newbies.

They need that separate area , and after they are familiar with it, opening it so they can get in and out and the other adults cant get in. Its always a hassle soo much easier with broody mama.
only flaw I see if you mean to put them in the large group, adding them after the large group is asleep.  They don't have a broody mama to protect them from the other hens, who will likely see them as intruders and go after them.  I don't mean a few pecks, I mean serious injuries or worse.  Not all chickens will attack them, but some will, and there always seems to be a few in each flock that are the self appointed guardians who will really really go after the newbies.

They need that separate area , and after they are familiar with it, opening it so they can get in and out and the other adults cant get in.  Its always a hassle soo much easier with broody mama.

Yes I appreciate the broodies so much....even more now. I will need to think....they could go in the pen with the Darlin's (the two cochins) but they can probably get thru the fence....I really don't think the cochins would bother them. I could try that. If they got along they could sleep with them too.

I think you mean that they should not go in at night in the coop with the flock, don't you?
Ok....after feeding everyone I've been sitting here thinking (ruh roh). My plan is this. .....over the next ten days I will get a heating pad and begin weaning the babies from the light. I will take them outside as much as possible to adapt them to the temps. By the 24th they will be one month old. I will then try leaving them overnight in the coop with their heat source. I can put them in after the others are asleep and be out there early the next morning to check on them. The last two chicks were left by the broody at four weeks... in the midst of the snowy weather! I did have to catch them a few times to get them in the coop...but they did good....the weather will be much better for these chicks. I will then leave them in the coop two or three days so they know where home is and then see how they fit into the flock. The time frame will be adjusted if the weather does not cooperate. And I can continue the heating pad for a while if needed. I will get them used to the dark at night during the next week. This should work out with the space in their tote as they are outgrowing it as I speak. Do you all see any major flaws? Or minor?
Ummm, not a good plan. They need to be able to get away from the adults.

only flaw I see if you mean to put them in the large group, adding them after the large group is asleep. They don't have a broody mama to protect them from the other hens, who will likely see them as intruders and go after them. I don't mean a few pecks, I mean serious injuries or worse. Not all chickens will attack them, but some will, and there always seems to be a few in each flock that are the self appointed guardians who will really really go after the newbies.

They need that separate area , and after they are familiar with it, opening it so they can get in and out and the other adults cant get in. Its always a hassle soo much easier with broody mama.

Yes I appreciate the broodies so much....even more now. I will need to think....they could go in the pen with the Darlin's (the two cochins) but they can probably get thru the fence....I really don't think the cochins would bother them. I could try that. If they got along they could sleep with them too.

I think you mean that they should not go in at night in the coop with the flock, don't you?
If you put them with your cochins, do a trial space as well. Cochins always look sweet but they can be just as vicious as the large fowl. If the chicks can get through the fence around the cochins, then they can also get back in. If the cochins don't drive them out then they can mingle with the main flock and be able to get away from them if necessary.

My concern with the pads you heat in the microwave is "How long does the heat last?" and "Are you really willing to keep reheating it throughout the day and night?"
I may have to keep them inside longer. The pads are said to stay warm ten to twelve hours but some people say they don't. So I would have to actually get one and test it for myself. What if (weather or pads permitting) I put them in a cage in the coop at night time. Then they would be close to each other for warmth and the others could not peck them and during the day I could do as you said and have a pen they can access to get away from the larger birds until they are accepted by the flock. I forgot about having that cage....sorry I have been sleeping off and on today and I'm kind of slow. I think the cage would fit until everyone is adjusted to each other. It would allow them to be in the coop and keep them from wandering and getting separated among the bigger birds at night. I may have to wait a bit longer for warm weather if the pads don't work as advertised.

And I already made a small temporary daytime pen for them where the others can not hurt them......but they cannot get out of it. I can make them a small door after they are all used to each other in separate pens.

And next time I will buy hatching eggs and let the broodies do the work.
That sounds about right. Why though, do you feel like you need to sneak them out at night? You can put them out at any time. You would just need to make sure that they are underneath their warm spot for night time. Of course getting them used to dark before hand will help. Even doing that, when they are in a new place you'll just need to make double sure on some things.
That sounds about right.  Why though, do you feel like you need to sneak them out at night?  You can put them out at any time.  You would just need to make sure that they are underneath their warm spot for night time.  Of course getting them used to dark before hand will help.  Even doing that, when they are in a new place you'll just need to make double sure on some things.

I think that I thought it would be easier to add them to the coop after dark....if they were loose in there. But you are right I can do it anytime. Yes I really want to get them used to the dark first......I hate the light on them all the time. Thank you all so much for the help....
this is a wonderful unusual time of the year - it is so mild out (30 in the am, up to 50 in the afternoon). there aren't many spring chores that can be done yet because, really, this is still winter for us - so I get to enjoy the chickens outside. Lots of chowing down and grazing and digging and scratching and chasing each other when someone found a tidbit -

usually when it is really spring, there is the garden etc with planting etc that needs to be done. But ground is still frozen under the top inch or so....

bluebirds are back! and the flock seems healthy, thats a big relief.

today I'm going to clear out the winter debris around the fence line and get the electric fence up and running. I think I have a pair of skunks under a shed and am hoping to get them to move on before there is a litter, but just in case...better get that going. Hah, see I said it was to0 early for chores, but guess thats dreaming.

gratuitous pic of the girls this morning stuffing themselves with green, and this morning's sunset.


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