The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!


I have a small flock and want them to be as organic as possible. Our flock is for personal use, mostly eggs, but we do raise a few meat birds, although not the cornish x's. Since we are new we have a mixed laying flock of several breeds and our meat birds are Brahms and Jersey Giants. Both I am told are considered dual purpose breeds.

I am not sure what fermented feed is and would like to know more. Do you make it yourself? I have been able to find organic feeds locally and shipping is way to expensive.

Also what is the apple cider vingar used for?

Thanks for you time. Dana

People put the ACV in water. I think the main purpose of using it is for helping to acidify the digestive tract and the addition of enzymes, etc. The thought is that the acid makes an unfavorable environment for bad bacteria to proliferate. There are probably other reasons that others can share on that too. If you take a look at the articles on the fermented feed you'll see that it has some of the same effects with added vitamins and enzymes as well.

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I got 6 beautiful chicks last Friday at my local Southern States. I'm amazed at how fast they are growing! Soon enough they'll be out with the big girl's.

I wondered if anyone has seen this on their chick's feet before. One of our chick's, Lily, has one toe on each foot that is turned outward. None of the others looks like that.

I have had a few crooked toes with my heavier males when I did not get them up on a roost fast enough. Heavier breeds need the toe exercise of the grasping of the roost. I have a few 6 week olds I need to get up on roosts. They are pretty big and heavy. I noticed on one of them the middle toe is just starting to curl. I think for mine it is that they are part Cornish X. It is a throw back bad gene.

You might want to put up a small branch for them to roost on.It might help keep it from getting worse.

BDM...what a beautiful picture of your daughter. She is a treasure and sounds like she is like her mom.
I am not afraid to admit it..... That made me feel like I had a speck in my eye.... Hey! Y'all have seen the pics, I used to be a dancer.... I's allowed to be sensitive!
I am proud that a child can make the leap from the selfishness of want, to the selflessness of ending a living beings suffering.
Gave me chills too! Especially the part where she didn't want her to hurt anymore
Haven't been here for a while, been stressed.... One of these days I will share.....

I still have Buck, the dog of terror..... Buying 50 1 year old Comets hens, all laying..... for $3.50 each..... meeting him at an auction barn tonight.... we will see what we get..... Buck sleeps inside now and is happy on a cable during the day. In fact if I don't find a home for him.... other than mine, he will probably be kept outside simply because he gets hot inside. Never seen a dog with a thick of coat as he has.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Anyone that has followed my blog and knows about Molly, a runt pig that was given to us.... I took her to the processor yesterday, she wasn't doing well and could hardly walk. I won't keep an animal in pain, not sure if the inspectors will even clear the meat.

My goose started laying.... guess I am her gander. She squats for me.....

Going to learn a lot about hogs this spring.... 2 prego sows..... got to get the boar secure and the girls set up.... hopefully it will warm up before I am surprised and some killed. Going to have to lean how to cut the boys too.....

Anyhow, hope everyone is well,


Well.... They are laying. Joe picked them up and eggs are all over the pens.... Maybe auction prices are way down.... who knows? I've never been to a livestock Auction and I am an Auctioneer lol!

Sorry about the stress. Glad to hear that you and the wild dog are getting along better. Awesome deal on the hens too.

Still new enough to chickens that I have not had to cull a hen yet. But I want to say thanks for the pictures and the information. I'm sure it was hard but needed. I'm not sure I would be able to do the detailed gutting stuff. And now when the time comes I should be less nervous about it.
I have to share this video I worked on all evening. I felt like the videos I took of Margaret today scratching around deserved a story.

To see her scratch around is so beautiful to me. At one point she was walking backwards and could not even stand.. Now look at her.

It's also a tribute to all of those who helped us with the cost of the new baby barn.
To see her scratch around is so beautiful to me. At one point she was walking backwards and could not even stand.. Now look at her.

All I can say is "wow." Beautifully done. Perfect song. Margaret looks great. Thrilled to know there are such wonderful people in the world...y'all and all the people who care & support y'all.
To see her scratch around is so beautiful to me. At one point she was walking backwards and could not even stand.. Now look at her.

All I can say is "wow." Beautifully done. Perfect song. Margaret looks great. Thrilled to know there are such wonderful people in the world...y'all and all the people who care & support y'all.


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