The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

So I just got done soaking Mr. Bennet's feet...

Angry chicken in a tub.... He wasn't thrilled but he was really good about it. I think part of the less than thrilled was because my Blue Heeler was slightly over interested in the whole proceedings. Once I banished Grizzle he settled down a bit. You can see his poor comb. I'm not sure how much of it he's going to lose yet.

Here's the one foot, after being soaked. You can see the scab, but it doesn't appear to be swollen. He didn't appear to mind me poking/massaging it either.

This is the other foot. to me this looks like healed skin where a scab has fallen off, but I don't know enough about chicken feet to say anything for certain.

from the top, no sign of swelling in the web between the toes, or that I can percieve in the top of the foot.

So, what do you all think? cn I leave it as is and just watch him closely, or do I need to try and pry off that scab and get the infection out? What about the other side?
Hahhahh! I should be down stairs or outside. So much to do both places. I just moved the new arrivals out to the chick house with the Catdance chicks. I divided the space in two. These Fogle line chicks are eating so much, I wonder how much bigger their crops can swell!
My eggs are two days early! I can keep them in the tub brooder in the house for a few days but these chicks are huge! If all or most of the fifteen hatch, I need another outside brooder this weekend! My husband is loving it. He is happy when I am happy. And I am over the moon happy.

I hear you about closing down the incubators. I have eight Johnny eggs in the LG and when they are out, I'm done for the season. My daughters will get some hens from me this summer and I will be butchering Johnny cockerels in another few weeks. That will free up space in my 'bursting at the seams' barn.

Now THAT is a good man!!
Hey guys this is day 3 of my FF soaking. There are little bubbles on top, is it done?

This is typical bumblefoot. The soaking should prevent further damage. I would re soak this foot eod and hope it does not progress.

This is the other foot. to me this looks like healed skin where a scab has fallen off, but I don't know enough about chicken feet to say anything for certain.

I can see where you would think this. It looks OK for now, but, this is something to watch.

You need NuStock in your first aid kit. Put NuStock on the frostbite and on the feet. You can vet wrap them after.

Hey guys this is day 3 of my FF soaking. There are little bubbles on top, is it done?
Good job..and yes it is!
So like I've said I moved the girls from the laundry to the garage last week. The coop is secure but the run isn't secure yet. Is it ok to go ahead and move the girls outside to the new coop now? 6 weeks old. I will get the run secured this weekend. Next question do you hang your nesting boxes or leave them at ground level? Do you put food and water in the coop and in the run?
Absolutely!!! Its actually pretty simple. I have done most of the work myself with my best friend making the door frame & screwing the bottom frame together for me. Im short so the high parts were a little harder for me but I am on a mission to get this completed. If you want I can PM you the pictures of the process I have taken so far with explanations or if your not in a great hurry I will have a link up here of the complete process with pictures. I still have a few things to finish up and need to get the roosts, nesting boxes and food & water areas set up. Should be done in a couple weeks, quicker if the snow stays away and the temps stay as nice as today :)
Hi, I will wait until you are finished....can't wait to see how it finishes out. When you to get the link up will you pm it to me.... I get lost on here sometimes...LOL. I am really looking forward to seeing it. I like how the hoop houses look and the simplicity of building them. We want to be able to utilize it as a wintering place for some of our vegetable plants too...That way we can still harvest veggies and the girls will still gets some greens.We are also waiting on the snow to finish, we get good days, nice weather, then boom..... a snow storm. Thanks for all the info.
Delisha- regarding the pics of the foot reminds me from something I saw on the old thread where there was a gland there that became packed with dirt? Do you think it could be that or the start of bumble? Also I am curious do you think the Nustock would be more beneficial than say blue kote? I need to compare the ingredients to see if they are similar ......I just bought some for my hen first aid kit and used it on a bare spot for my lowest level hen where her sister yanked a beak full of feathers out. She didnt have a wound but I figured the blue kote would protect the bare area (that can only be seen when she bends her head) with the cold temps we have.

I believe the blue kote is for bacterial problems?

Just curious on your thoughts. When people post a problem, I think what I would do then wait for you guys with more experience share the proper treatment. I guessed right with epsom salt soak :)

For me its a great way to learn & I truly appreciate all the OT's knowledge :)
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More wonderful baby pictures!

Axoa thank you for the video on the duck candling. I showed my daughter and she thought it was so neat. Very interesting link about the raw milk too. A wealth of information.
my babies are doing so good! tagalong is walking-still a little wobbly-but she is up and around much more than before. i still make sure she gets plenty to drink...when i offer her wet food she doesn't seem interested so I'm assuming she is full-i do see her eat on her own. my ff for the babies and big flock is cooking away! i'm anxious to see how the babies do on it. my big birds are itching to get some going again...anywho's looks like everyone is gearing up for spring with bells and whistles!

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