The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

Not everyone! I love my NNs.

Two of them laid their first eggs today! The first of all of them :D
I should clarify the "everyone". All my family and friends think they are ugly, but I just say wait until they lay those x-large eggs and we will see who is ugly. I would really like to have some of the barred naked necks.
Just catching up (and copying/pasting everyones answers on free ranging and feeding into a Word document). Sheesh - this thread does move fast!

The vet called again and said the fecal sample they took showed an overload of Cocci - but it's not what killed him. With the whole (closed) flock getting FF and U-ACV in their water, not sure how he got a cocci over growth unless it happened after he was poisoned (or what ever happened). Just in case, I'm treating the whole flock with Corid. I don't want to lose any more birds!!

Just for fun (and to cheer me up) the hubbs took me to an estate sale today. The gentleman who passed owned a country store that was in his family for about 100 years! I got some neat pictures... the stuff that was there... WOW!

Wished I had a LOT of $$, but of course that's not the case... but I couldn't resist this dish!! I saw it come up and had to have it. I stopped bidding at $10, but then DH bid - and won it for $15!

It's a Jadite green glass hen.
It wasn't until it was in my hands that I realized it looks just like a crested Swedish Flower Hen!

Couldn't find any markings on it so I came home and looked it up. It's a hand made original, and someone has one for sale on eBay for $144! There are knock-offs out there too, but you can see the difference. The knock-offs have less detail - but they're still pretty IMO. (And no - I have no plans of selling it - LOL.)

Funny how a silly chicken dish can help cheer a girl up!
I feed mine sprouted grains, organic mash,dubia roaches,meal worms,crayfish and some salads.
1) 30 chickens 4 duks and 4 geese
2)10 acres but they don't use all of it, probably 1-1 1/2 acres.
3) 12 hours (when I start chores in morning after finishing with human kids and go in when is dark after finishing with all the house/family chores)
4) I use to do poultry net but still go owls and racoons in, then I change to free range and fox visits every once in a while now I am gonna be back with the fencing and free range only in the morning and put them inside the net at around 5.00, that is when my friend fox cames.
I lost 3 big hens to a fox 1 to a eagle and 10 chciks to a fox that manage to get inside the barn and get my babies, 3 ducks to owl.All this since January.
I don't have a guard dog I ma training my German shepherd for that but he won't be as good as a LGD he keeps coming home does not stay with the chickens, but on the good side he has get into fights with the fox so I have not see the fox around for a while.
5) I have not trees at all just the ones in the back yard but chickens don't go there. I am planting some this year (fall)
6) I sprout 5 # of grain a day and those make about 8# soak , then that is divided in two days that is winter. Spring so far that amount is divided in four.
On the mash I use in winter a 40# bag every 2 months and in spring well so far have only use 5 # of the bag.
I spend about 190 $ every 3 months in winter on grains and 30$ per bag of mush.

For what is worth....I THINK from watching my "gentleman roo" that he helps enforce the pecking order that the girls have established. I have seen him chase off the lower girls from the feed bucket at feeding time. They eat second or if they find a spot where no one is paying attention to them at the "trough" and sneak in on it. Since your younger girls (if I remember reading that right without going way back to check) are most likely just working their way up the order, your roo may be keeping them "in line" according to the rules set down by your flock. It's not that mine doesn't treat the lower girls "nice", he still mates them, but they are not his favorites (you can sure tell who is by the feather wear) but he SEEMS to be enforcing the pecking order. This just might be what you are seeing.
Unfortunately I can't weigh in on the free ranging because usually, we don't. But since the run is at least 1500 square feet with only 20 birds and is still mostly green, I don't feel too bad.

Have a couple of questions (possibly silly ones).

I was looking at some wild bird seed yesterday thinking of grabbing some for the girls to mix into their numnums and one of the ingredients was "assorted seeds"... Are there any that can hurt them out there? Fillers I should be watching for?

Also, for those of you who raise meat birds, do you raise them in an area that is never used by any other members of your flock? (Working on a new barn layout and concerned about the biosecurity issues that would arise from constantly introducing new birds)

Lastly, I have eaten a ton of broilers find them delicious but kinda disturbing to raise.
Has anyone tried the "Freedom Rangers"?
Only that lotion??

I tried OFF yesterday after my stupid natural stuff would not work, and even the OFF didn't work!
Aoxa, I just came in from mowing almost 7 acres. I used the Banana Boat 50 and they didn't bother me at all. Well, I take that back. I really didn't get the lotion on my fingers and guess where one got me???? I didn't believe it when I read it, but I thought what do I have to lose..... There are rare times when I use that and Cutter Skinsations.

Lisa :)
Aoxa, I just came in from mowing almost 7 acres. I used the Banana Boat 50 and they didn't bother me at all. Well, I take that back. I really didn't get the lotion on my fingers and guess where one got me???? I didn't believe it when I read it, but I thought what do I have to lose..... There are rare times when I use that and Cutter Skinsations.

Lisa :)
Interesting Lisa. I will have to try it, like you said, what do I have to loose?

They are driving me mad.. buzzing in my ears.. getting in my eyes. Hate them.
Just catching up (and copying/pasting everyones answers on free ranging and feeding into a Word document). Sheesh - this thread does move fast!

The vet called again and said the fecal sample they took showed an overload of Cocci - but it's not what killed him. With the whole (closed) flock getting FF and U-ACV in their water, not sure how he got a cocci over growth unless it happened after he was poisoned (or what ever happened). Just in case, I'm treating the whole flock with Corid. I don't want to lose any more birds!!

Just for fun (and to cheer me up) the hubbs took me to an estate sale today. The gentleman who passed owned a country store that was in his family for about 100 years! I got some neat pictures... the stuff that was there... WOW!

Wished I had a LOT of $$, but of course that's not the case... but I couldn't resist this dish!! I saw it come up and had to have it. I stopped bidding at $10, but then DH bid - and won it for $15!

It's a Jadite green glass hen.
It wasn't until it was in my hands that I realized it looks just like a crested Swedish Flower Hen!

Couldn't find any markings on it so I came home and looked it up. It's a hand made original, and someone has one for sale on eBay for $144! There are knock-offs out there too, but you can see the difference. The knock-offs have less detail - but they're still pretty IMO. (And no - I have no plans of selling it - LOL.)

Funny how a silly chicken dish can help cheer a girl up!

That is an adorable piece! I love it! I am so happy to hear it cheered you up

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