The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

Dear Moderators,

I have been asked for an update, an update that will be long and painful for me. I plan to blog on it to share as a life lesson for those that care to read. I do not do it to steal readers from here. I sell food.... meat in particular and do not view myself as competition. Am I allowed to paste a link to my site, or are you going to force me to copy and paste?

Respectfully, which is rare for me....

Shawn Dostie

Note from Staff
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It has come under our attention that this thread is still a promotion spot for another site, in spite of our request. A reminder from post #1:


As much as we encourage the "sharing of information on BYC". This thread has been reported many times and is quickly turning into a promotions spot for several blogs, and has thus become a staging area that directly violates BYC policy. Please continue to discuss options on this thread at will. All links and references to other blogs and forums will be removed at the staffs discretion as noted in the BYC rules section. If this does not work we have no choice but to close this thread and any future rebirths of it.
To be clear here.....The rules state clearly that promoting other forums, etc is not allowed. Sig line policies are clearly lined out in the Membership Level chart here

We have never EVER not allowed personal blogs to be linked to. Please do not borrow trouble and make this more than it is. We really want to allow this thread to remain here, but continued skirting and outright violations of our established rules may not allow that to happen. It's up to you.

Please direct further questions to a Staff member. Questioning moderation on the forum is also against the rules.

Back to Natural Chicken Keeping...
Any thoughts on the "mineral mixes" when formulating your own feed? I just purchased a (huge) bag of Fertrell Poultry Nutribalancer to use in my winter mix. Sometimes I wonder if I really need it but I do know that minerals can be out of balance in grains due to chemical fertilizers, pesticides, etc. in the land.

For those of you that mix your own feed, do you use a mineral mix?
Back to Natural Chicken Keeping...
Any thoughts on the "mineral mixes" when formulating your own feed? I just purchased a (huge) bag of Fertrell Poultry Nutribalancer to use in my winter mix. Sometimes I wonder if I really need it but I do know that minerals can be out of balance in grains due to chemical fertilizers, pesticides, etc. in the land.

For those of you that mix your own feed, do you use a mineral mix?
i do not..I probably should, however I feel they are only on winter feed ..for a few months. I really try to prepare for winter for the chickens and have frozen things to make up for what they do not get. Frozen herbs, meats, leftovers, squash, pumpkins etc..we can do many things for them that would not really require it. It makes a person feel better to know they are taking care of all of the animals minerals and vitamins.
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Well I had my Betty Lu sitting on 2 bantam Salmon Faverolles egg, 3 bantam Light Brown Leghorn and 1 Buff Silkie egg(from my pair). The 2 Favs and Silkie hatched no problems. Lost two Leghorns, one looked stepped on, the other had eggshell shrink wrapped to its belly and third is still in egg. I hope I get this one out ok. Alsp have 3 Buff Silkie eggs under the Buff broody hen(her own eggs) that are 7 days in and gonna get candled tonight. Still keep having mite issues in the flock. But weird thing is it is one bird at a time, not all of them. I have been ok treating with dustings since it is one or two at a time. Have not had to get the big guns out like I did with the Silkies. I almost lost my Special Needs boy to them. The mites are real bad this year here in the NW, winter was WAY too mild.
I (finally!!) got my chickens. Two Barred Plymouth Rocks, two White Leghorns & one Golden Laced Wyandotte. They are about 3 months old...the Rocks look a few weeks younger than the others and still "peeping" instead of "bwaawkking." I spent the whole afternoon just standing in the dutch door, watching them. They have found some worms & bugs the leaf litter, already.

I (finally!!) got my chickens. Two Barred Plymouth Rocks, two White Leghorns & one Golden Laced Wyandotte. They are about 3 months old...the Rocks look a few weeks younger than the others and still "peeping" instead of "bwaawkking." I spent the whole afternoon just standing in the dutch door, watching them. They have found some worms & bugs the leaf litter, already.


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